Question on good hunting rifle

I have always been a target shooter, but am looking to start doing some hunting, preferrably deer/bear. I have a friend that goes and he suggested a .308 rifle as a good all-round hunting caliber.

My dilemna is that I have a Socom 16 with scope, but obviously this is not a typical hunting rifle. I really would like to not have to dish out another $500 for a new rifle, so will my current rifle work? Any other suggestions?
HUnting with a socom 16

A lot depends on where your hunting. Some states have restrictions on what may be used. some don't allow the use of a Semi and some have restrictions on Magazine capacity size or both. Here in PA the answer is NO!! you can't use it.

Assuming your talking black bear not grizzly, the .308 will do just fine.
In states with no restrictions against semi-autos, a five-round magazine would have you quite legal with the Socom. Ya got it, use it, for now. I did many a mile of walking-hunting with a 9.75-pound rifle. Hunting from a stand, or playing sneaky-snake in thick stuff, weight is not a problem. There is always time to look around for next year.

For a "just huntin'" rifle, there are a lot of good deals on used rifles at gunshows. I've never had a problem with the vast majority of used guns I've bought or traded into. And, for sure, a .308 will deal with anything you're likely to hunt in the lower 48.

I concur with Art. (I usually do, because great Minds think alike. ;))

Assuming no legal issues, there's absolutely no reason the SOCOM won't get the job done. Just ask Ian Kissel. Attached is a freebie from SWAT where this young man did just what you have in mind.


I have a friend that uses a M-14 because that is what he is to. The 308 is more than enough gun to bring down anything in the lower 48. Just make sure you check the state laws on mag capacity/Semi's.
Oh yah the .308 will do the job with alot left over but if it were mew I would buy a . 270 and use it it would not cost another $500 savage has a scope and gun combo that costs like $399 and they are good guns :D :D :D
For a $100 you can get a good mauser the 8mm or even the 7mm will do the job. You can get one of the russian nagants 762-54 for under a $100 Just got a $75 turk that will shoot under 2" open sighted and a swiss rifle that does better for a $100
Just stay far away from the Remington 710s. Shop I part time in has a 30% return rate on the 710s. When the last go, we will stock no more.
hunting rifle..

the SOCOM with a five round mag is adequate, for the interm.
You may want to browse local gunshops for abit to see whats on the use rack.
I just found a Winchester M88 .308 for $275. Have seen plain Jane Rem788 for $250 aand 600 for $350.