Question for you descented hunters.


New member
Those of you that use special products to remove as much scent as possible, and that don't use UV brighteners in your washing machine, I have a question. What actions do you undertake to remove scent from your guns? You know if you've read some of my posts that I don't think scent and UV stuff makes much of a difference. Many wrote back that it is worthwhile and it is better safe than sorry.

I wonder if those of you that hang your hunting clothes outdoors, for days, before hunting and use special soaps, that are scent neutral or deodorizing, think at all about what your guns smell like? I know that I can smell cleaning solvents and lubricants from a distance, what about the deer?

Do you guys think, that maybe the deer are smelling the petroleum products and shying away? I have no idea if this is a concern, but figured if some go to such great lengths to remove their scent, ever thought about what their guns smelled like?
I've never given it a second thought. Dad always oiled his boots about a week before the hunt. He told us the scent would be gone by the time a week elapsed. Same for his rifle.

We try to hunt into the wind whenever possible. Our ambush spots are nearly always downwind of our quarry.

I think it is a mistake to apply oil to one's gear the night before a hunt.
While scent awareness is important and total absence of scent would be desirable, I believe the association of the smell they detect with danger is what sends deer running. I also believe deer exist in a perpetual state of nervous breakdown and spook at so many things that they don't remember the experience for long, sorta like when some oncoming fool pulls out to pass and you have to take the shoulder, how many miles have you gone before you've totally forgotten it? I saw a young deer sniff a newly lacquered cedar arrow beneath my stand, shy away, run about 30 or 40 yards then slowly ease back and do it all over. Twice! Funniest thing I've ever seen one do, reminded me of the Mr. Short Term Memory skit on the old Saturday Night Live.
So... I don't think deer smell enough gun oil to associate it with danger, goodness knows they don't associate automotive oil with danger, do

I lightly clean and oil my gun before my last sight in before the season. After that I only wipe it down with a silicone cloth. I will only fire a few shots during the season so I don't clean the bore until the season is over and if I must I do so with a bore snake only. The silicone doesn't smell and it keeps a protective layer. I keep desicant in my gun cabinet to keep my firearms dry so I don't worry about rust.