Question for ya'll.....


New member
I was at a local shop/range laast week and saw something new. Curious if any of you folks have heard of used one. I understand it is quit new.

Valto (I think that's how it is spelled) It's Italian
12ga. pump pistol grip stock approx.14" barrel "thin" gost ring and red fiberoptic foresight & 7 shot box mag. (looks like a fat 30 rd. AK mag.)

Erganomics were good, action release is extended (not needed to release grip) mag release similar to AK & FN.

Looking at $700 CDN

Anybody else???
Here's my opinion on foreign pumps, and it's an opinion, not graven on a stone tablet by a Finger of Fire.....

If there's anything US arms makers do well, it's turn out a great manually operated repeater at a price the average guy can afford. Usually, this is less than 1 week's pay. How many US made pumps are out there with a list of less than $400 for a good GP model? And that's without getting into used pumps, one of the best buys in the world for value received.

Stick to one of the Big Four, or the Nova if you really must go off shore. All of these are a LOT of gun for the money.
Have a gander at

Click on the Shotguns area.

Ya that's the one.....

It's a neat little design, but not the best. I don't like the way it locksup. I'm use to the 870 engaging. However, small, light weight, but not worth the $$$$$.

If remington came up with something comparable them I'd be "forced" to do some serious thinking/manipulation on the home front.;)

The fella said about $80 for extra mags., not worth it.

Thanks for the input....

Merry Christmas
I shot one at an IPSC shotgun match a couple of months ago; a LOT of fun, and I'm thinking about getting one to go with my 870. The only "sore" point is that the mags run $75 apiece, I was told :eek: Otherwise, it was beautiful, and worked just as advertised. I took it down to the skeet field afterwards, and was busting doubles with it. It's got a huge ghost ring rear with a fluorescent orange blade in front, so I'm sure that even Stevie Wonder could've been hitting some of those targets.