Question for the possible Hillary supporters


New member
This is not a bash Hillary thread or she's coming to take "insert object here" away thread.

I seriously want to know why someone would support her over the other candidates. What makes her better qualified or what skills and experience does she have or what makes her stand out among the others to make her earn your support.

Please, no "because she's a woman" or "her last name is Clinton" responses. I can read all the bandwagon responses elsewhere. I'd like to hear some thoughtful and personal responses as to why she would earn your support.
And you don't have to be decided on her to respond. If she's even a consideration, that's good enough.
Well she does have some experience. A term as a senator is good but while "First Lady" may not be an elected position it's still eight years of political experience that the others don't have. It's a unique perspective on the White House and the office that no one else has. It's not like she sat at home and watched soaps all day, she had plenty of her own projects while her husband was in office.

What that's worth to anyone else, I dunno, but to me that's just as important as running a state or holding a seat in Congress for a comparable amount of time.
I am a libertarian democrat, but also a pragmatist. At this point she is the democrat with the best chance of winning the election. She has enough experience to put together a competent cabinet and enough brains to listen to them.

I think that there is a lot to be said for competence in a chief executive even if some of her policies are not exactly what you wish they were.

And although you said not to say "because of her last name" I don't think you can dismiss the benefits of having Bill around. The guy is damn smart and has charisma to burn, all in all not a bad guy to have in your political corner so to speak.
I think there's a very real "fear" being created.

Many of us are older. We hear stories about bus trips going to Canada for prescription meds. Whether it's true or not is hardly the issue.

Then, of course, there's the war. Again, older folks have children and grandchildren going overseas or being recalled for service. These older folks are the Vietnam generation, and it opens old wounds.

And finally, I believe there's a general disgust for this "white boy's club." There's the Skull and Bones smell telling folks that no matter how you vote, it just replaces one member with another.

I see a push/pull issue. The GOP is pushing people out, and Hillary is making the most of it, and pulling those people in.
And although you said not to say "because of her last name" I don't think you can dismiss the benefits of having Bill around. The guy is damn smart and has charisma to burn, all in all not a bad guy to have in your political corner so to speak.

Not to mention 8 years of Presidential experience. Bringing in a "first dude" who has actually done the job (and, whether or not you agree, many think he did it at least passably) can make quite a difference. I heard people back on 2000 talking about how it was beneficial that George W. Bush had his father to fall back on, somebody he could look to for advice as President who has done the job. This is little different.

If I'm faced with an opponent that's little different on many issues that matter to me, and quite different on others, I see no reason she shouldn't be a consideration. She's certainly no less "qualified" than most of the candidates in both the Democratic and Republican fields...noting, of course, that disagreeing with you (or me) on any given issue (or a plethora of them) has nothing to do with qualifications.
If the eight years of political experience means something, why does she keep throwing out boneheaded, impossible promises like the $5000 for every kid (out of taxpayer money) and government 401(k) for everyone (out of taxpayer money, in addition to SS)... ?

Does doing something wrong for eight years mean you have "experience"?
Larry Kudlow, the most conservative news guy not on Fox liked her 401k type matching account thing. Not all of her ideas are bad or even left wing, but anyone who puts forth new ideas risks getting them shot down. I like the fact that she does seem to be looking for solutions to problems(even when I don't like the particular solution she proposes) rather than pretending those problems don't exist.
Manedwolf said:
Does doing something wrong for eight years mean you have "experience"?

Elections are a matter of perception.

During the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon debate, the event was carried by both radio and TV. To the people who listened on radio only, it was clear that Nixon won. However, Kennedy had better 'stage presence' on TV and Nixon looked unshaven and tired. To TV viewers, Kennedy won.

It doesn't matter what Hillary promises. After all, she'd have to get bills pushed through congress. But there is growing number of people who believe that if a candidate merely mentions their cause, then that candidate "cares."

I heard the phrase "super congress" used on Air America last week. This is the concept of Hillary leading a congress dominated by Democrats. How many times have you heard a leftie say, "Now we're going to get things done!"

In reality, the election is fully one year away and Hillary hasn't generated one bill for scrutiny.

This is not a bash Hillary thread or she's coming to take "insert object here" away thread.

I seriously want to know why someone would support her over the other candidates.
I'm well aware of the negatives. I want to hear some convincing positives.
that's an interesting point

While I may not agree with her ideas I have to wonder if the cultural impact of such a thing would be worth the headache a Hillary administration would supposedly cause. Perhaps it's worth it - for the good of the culture and the species in general - to exclaim to the world that women truly are considered equals in today's society.
Is it worth it if she screws up so badly and infuriates so many people that it makes people think that a woman should never be president again?

That would be helpful?
Manedwolf said:
she screws up so badly...That would be helpful?

I almost wrote that, myself, however the purpose of this thread is to highlight the positive aspects.

In a very real sense, any new President is going to flop on the subject of the war.

All politics is local. Hillary is going to have to suggest (and pass) social changes that the majority see as a breakthrough. My guess is those issues are helthcare and Social Security when the real meat should be infrastructure and jobs.
All politics is local. Hillary is going to have to suggest (and pass) social changes that the majority see as a breakthrough.

Break something, alright. People will be broke when they get their taxes due.
Is it worth it if she screws up so badly and infuriates so many people that it makes people think that a woman should never be president again?

That would be helpful?
Also a good point. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out either way.
Who gives a rat's @ss about expericence if you don't believe in what she believes in.

I don't care how much experience she has, she stands for nothing that I believe in. She has done nothing in the Senate, if you look at her record. She sits back and tags along with other senators that propose bills. She hasn't written bills or anything. The fact that she got elected to the senate by the state of New York is a joke. How long did she live there? She ran for the publicity that the state would bring her. She would have more clout in Congress as a New York senator than Arkansas, which probably wouldn't have elected her anyway.
Thatcher proved to the western world that a tough conservative woman could do the job. Hillary doesn't have to do that. I think Hillary has to prove that an intellectual can do the job.
First off, I don't agree with her politics.

Secondly, the last thing that we need in the white house next time around is another Bush or Clinton.

Am I 100% happy with Rudy? No, I will be voting for Fred Thompson in the primary. However, should Rudy get the nomination... I will vote for him. I agree with Rudy about 25% of the time. I agree with Hillary probably 5% of the time.
Intellectual???? Is that the next code word? Marxist-Stalinist-Communist-Progressive-Intellectual. Sort of in a "left is right, up is down, wrong is right" sort of way? It all sounds like Orwellian double speak to me. I thought this country was founded on the principle of individual liberty and freedom. The "have nots" are usually there for a reason and the "haves" usually have worked hard for their position. When the "have nots" are put in the position of taking from the "haves" the motive to do anything productive is removed. The "have nots" taking from the "haves" is documented in the Marxist Recruitment manual by Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" which Hillary used as the subject for her glowing Wellsley College thesis.

PS: I support Hillary in the Orwellian double speak sort of way.