Question for the experts

Idaho Spud

New member
I've been shooting some coated 9mms I've purchased recently and have been nagged by a question: are coated cast projectiles considered boolits or bullets? I'm sorta leaning towards bullets because I experienced no leading or excessive smoke, but wondered what you all thought. Thanks.
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If you made em yourself, they are boolits. If you bought em, they are bullets. The coating doesn't matter in the naming. :)

(but they don't really like the word boolits on this forum):cool:
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So, if I coat my own cast, they're boolits but what I was shooting were bullets.

OK, thanks for clearing that up for me.

edit: I found using "boolit" was frowned upon on other sites, too. So it's a boolit when you make em, but if you sell some to me then I have bullets. Somehow I had the idea that if they were "naked" no matter the mold's owner, they were boolits. I'll be sure to watch my terminology here. It's funny, on another site you're liable for banning if you incorrectly use bullets, instead of boolits. You may possibly see my confusion. Thanks again.
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They are only boolits over on Everywhere else they are bullets. They aren't ammo until they are seated in a case over a primer and powder and then it becomes known as a cartridge.
Thanks, Vance, have a pretty good grasp of ammo vs bullets/boolits. You can imagine my surprise when I found I'd been making boolits instead of bullets for 30 years. To be honest, I can hardly tell the difference.
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Oh jeees!

Now Vance has made me feel older than I am. Yep, dem is cat-ridges. But I calls dem 'rounds', fallen back on loading loose powder under a patched ball and then putten a cap on de nipple... :)

Some guy named Bill once said: "wouldn't a rose by any other name not smell as sweet' or something like that. I always had trouble following at old English.

It is all in who is listening and how picky they may be.

I cringe when I think/say, "load 8 rounds into a clip...." But then, I stick that clip into a Garand's magazine well and try not to get a 'Garand-thumb'.

Just look and listen and follow the flow. Try not to laugh out loud at the silliness.

Enjoy, life is too short to do otherwise,

My original post was meant totally in jest, not to create a "serious" discussion. That said, I believe we as shooters need to chill out sometimes. "Clip" for "magazine" sets my teeth on edge, too, but if we all know what were talkin about, what difference does it really make? As a famous American once asked, "Can't we all just get along?" Anyways, I'm gonna try to get out and shoot a few bullets/boolits/cartridges/rounds today. Anyone want to join?

edit: and most will be coated cast, uh, er...........projectiles.
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I have so many responses, but will refrain.

'NRTS' or 'FIGMO' or better, 'SWIC0' are good ones.

Anything said or typed will be picked apart by someone. Just go with the flow, smile and let them rant.
My granddaughters have a statement, 'She is so beautiful'. This relates to, if her lack of intelligence was dirt, she would cover several acres.

Oh, 'NRTS' - Not Repairable This Station.
'FIGMO' - .... I Got My Orders.
'SWIC0' - Switch Initialized Clear the number zero. Re-starting a computer.

Now don't you feel smarter? I don't see why, just dumb codes.

Enjoy life, there is only one way out and I'm not ready.

And after a while, even the simplest little abbreviation sounds so natural I don't think about using it and where..... for example, I absentmindedly posted that I found some IMR PB powder actually on the shelf at my LGS and was immediately tarred and feathered and almost lost my shiny new membership at one of the gauge-specific shotgun loading forums for bring "LGS" onto the page. I thought everybody called their local gun store the LGS.... but I was wrong. :cool:
I thought everybody called their local gun store the LGS.... but I was wrong

local gun store? LGS? Oh, you mean the toy store!

I too find those stiff necked purist bothersome. I like to make boolits, and a still shoot a few bullets (mostly outta 8 round clips). But I have no problem shooting cast lead bullets that I make myself. Some nomenclature jus' don' matter, as long as you make yourself clear!

What I dislike is many of the abbreviations used. A poster will be thinkin' and typin' and the abbreviation will make perfect sense to him, but I'm reading and most of the time I have to really ponder the post to understand it...

So, I'd say lighten up, and I'll keep stuffing bullets into my 1911 clips and laugh all the way to the range... :D:D
'FIGMO' - .... I Got My Orders.

Oh man I spit my water out on the floor when I read that. There is a southern gentleman who has a phrase "IGMO" which is, by his definition an "ignorant moron". I find this fits a LOT of folks I see out and about almost to a tee.

Then there is the "FIGMO", which I do not know who actually came up with, but I will refrain from explaining the added "F" to the front, but which is exactly what I thought of when I saw your post. :D

Yep there are folks her and there who seem to take some things in life far too seriously. I might not spell as well as some might like, but I don't care. I try but I don't always hit the right little square button with my fat ended fingers.

Then there are the folks who feel if it isn't exact well you shouldn't be allowed to post. I say go blow raspberries. Call it what you want and be happy as long as your making sense when your doing so.
I picked those up in the Air Force, 68 to 72.

On the PD, the best one was, 'BEM'. I will try to be discrete, 'snot eating morons'. It didn't take long before communications caught on and the use of that one was a no-no.. On the radio.


Now wait a minute.
You were going to call them bullets because they didnt lead your barrel and didnt smoke bad?

I dont coat any of my boolits and get zero leading with any of them and no excessive smoke with certain powders. But I'm not about to degrade them by calling them, gasp, bullets.:eek:
i was under the impression that a copper-jacket made it a bullet, sorry franken i would consier your awesome swagings.... bullets. no jacket, boolit
For how I see this is that if you cast or anyone else cast it is a boolit and if it swage it is a bullet just like jacket ones are.If you have leading from boolits you are doing some thing wrong some where, because you do not get it for shooting cast ,if you have everything the way it should be,I know ,that is what I mainly shoot in all my, that is includen semi autos.You also do not get smoke hardly also, unless you are shooting muzzle loaders.As for it being coated dose not matter if it is cast it is still a boolit.The coat of a boolit is just a lube then just putting it in a lube sizer and have lube in the groves of the boolit.There is also differnet type of boolits some are tumble lube and some are you regular kind.
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