Question for Rob

Mal H

Do you know if Irlene's Celebrity Shootout will be telecast on any of the national networks such as TNN or ESPN? I would love to see even a small portion of it.

Also, is there a mailing address for WUAS where we can send a donation? I have always had a warm spot in my heart for charities such as that one - Make A Wish, Ronald McDonald House, etc. Those kids will never have the kind of childhood or beyond that we have. So, by george, we should let them have some good times whenever possible.

Thanks for your interest in helping out. Donations to Wish Upon A Star can be sent directly through IMCS, at the address on our website. You can make the check out to WUAS directly if you want to be sure that 100% of the money goes to the charity, but at this point all of our IMCS overhead is covered this year, and all further money raised will go directly to WUAS.
If you prefer an address directly to WUAS, mail your check to Brian Magazine, WUAS President, at:

707-A Oak Hill Rd
Evansville, IN 47711

IMCS has always been taped by at least two television shows, this year we are expecting three. Show Me Outdoors is broadcast on Fox Sports egional channels, Kentucky Outdoors is broadcost through KY PBS, and The Country Sportsman is a regional show in the Carolinas.

We will also have local Network affiliates taping the event for local publicity and NSSF is trying to recruit a show which is broadcast on ESPN. Also, The Shootin' Show has taped the previous two IMCS's, and they may return, there are a C-band Satellite program.

Expect to read about our event in at least one or two national magazines as well. In the past we have been covered by Gun News Digest, Sporting Clays Magazine, Gun World and others.

Thanks Rob,
As the Prague policeman said when trying to figure out which member of the bear family ate the hunter, "the Czech's in the male".

I guess I won't be able to see any of the going's on, none of the shows you mentioned will be shown in the DC area, too radical. But I can read about it in Shooting Clays.

Veni, Vidi, Pesci - I came, I saw, I moidered da bum