Question for our Canadian members


I am going to spend the Christmas/New Years holiday period at the Whistler ski resort. I am driving up from the states with my wife. I would like to have some self protection equipment "just in case" of Y2K problems. I know that I will not be able to bring a handgun or rifle up, but what is the situation in Canada with respect to having a shotgun? How about hunting knives, tactical folders? I suppose there is also always the trusted Louisville slugger. Advice/comments are welcome.
Seems to me that one of these roll-up tool kits, kept on the floor of your car at the front of the driver's seat, would be a good source of self-protection.

The usual collection of cheap stuff--pliers, screwdriver, wrenches...And a 1/2"-drive ratchet-handle. Or a 1/2"-drive breaker-bar. A lug-nut-sized socket and a 4" extension would make a plausibly useful package, and would not be convincingly described as "weapons". (Note that your best grip on the breaker-bar is by the flex-end...)


[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited December 09, 1999).]

Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing beats a German steel whip for self-protection. I'm sure you've heard of them, probably seen one, too. The good ones from Germany are extendable springs that before you snap them out are about 6"-8" long and roughly 16-18" when extended. They WILL break bones, noses, elbows and they have even taken the blades off of knives. They are cheap, about $15-20 bucks, but that's cheap for life insurance. Conceal it under your seat, on your person, or other ingenious hideaways you may have.

"Stop forest fires--ban matches."
The german whip is a collapsible baton?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!