While I'm no lawyer, I do try to keep a rudimentary knowlege of the law. Most of it is simple to figure out, but in Liberty Watch Inc's complaint I noticed that there was the repetitive phrase: "a foriegn..."
Is that to identify HCI/CPHV as a corp that operates outside the Judicial district in which the complaint was filed, or was it simply a small jab at them for not being from "around here?" Your answers are greatly appreciated since I intend to go to lawschool before it is all over, and I would more than likely practice Constitutional law or civil rights law. Help me understand more of the complaint.
...oh, Great work Rich!!!!
Is that to identify HCI/CPHV as a corp that operates outside the Judicial district in which the complaint was filed, or was it simply a small jab at them for not being from "around here?" Your answers are greatly appreciated since I intend to go to lawschool before it is all over, and I would more than likely practice Constitutional law or civil rights law. Help me understand more of the complaint.
...oh, Great work Rich!!!!