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Question for JohnKSa.....

Jim Bellino

Ok now I have a color signature and I also found how underline.....how do I color AND underline at the same time??? Can this be done? Also, how do you change color in mid sentence like in your signature line from green to yellow. I just need to know how how to format two options at the same time...for my ongoing education......
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I'm going to reply and then move this thread to the TECH support questions area since it a little more appropriate for that area.

In my signature line, the text is green, but there is a hyperlink (link to the TSRA website). Hyperlinks normally display in a different color than the text to highlight their presence.

To add additional formatting, just highlight the text in question and use the buttons above the reply window. The U will underline the text, the I will italicize it and the B will bold it.

When you're done, if you look at your post before you submit it, or if you edit it to see what the actual codes look like, a line that is colored and underlined should look something like this:

[U][color=blue]Underlined Blue Text.[/color][/U]

And when you hit submit, the final post would look like this:

Underlined Blue Text.

You can experiment with formatting your posts by making posts in the scratch section of TFL (link below) and viewing them. http://thefiringline.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=32
Getting there

Tks, John....got the underline format...where is the link for the scratch section? Just need to know format for changing color in the same line like you do going from green to yellow and how to change color and underline in the same line.....for now this would complete my ongoing tech. education. Tks for moving this discussion to the proper place and thanks for your patience with me. Also I notice in this forum my signature comes up yellow but your signature comes up green and blue in this forum as opposed to green and yellow in the SWATMAG forum.....can I make my signature come up yellow in SWAT forum and blue in firing line forums?
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John gave you the link for the testing ("scratch") forum at the end of his post above. It's called "Software and Function Testing".

If you want to change colors in the middle of a line or even in the middle of a single word, simply end one color with the [/color] ending tag and start the next color at that point. Only the text outside of the color tags will be visible even though the line or word may look like it's all split up.

For example:

will give you a single word in two different colors:

[Note that using yellow for your signature the way you did makes it hard to read on the greyish background used for most of the forums other than the SWAT forum. You might want to choose a different color.]
Mal....I see others use yellow in SWAT forum for signature and it appears blue in firingline forums....how is this done....so I can do the same?
Please point to an example of this.

My guess without seeing what you are referring to is that there may be a link involved in the signature. Like all the colors and format of the SWAT forum, link colors are given a different color. They are not controlled by the [color] tags. Links are yellow there, and blue in all the other forums.

10 to 1 you're looking at Denny Hansen's signature. All of the yellow colors in it are links. He does not use the [color] tags in his signature.
Mal....look at any of Denny's or JohnSKa's posts in SWAT forum in yellow and see their same signature info in firing line in blue.
Mal......gotcha....that makes sense......and that's why underlined. Just be interested in what John may add. I changed my signature to red and that seems to work fine for viewing in both forums.....I'm learning....this old dog is learning new tricks!
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