question for HK compact owners


New member
how is the performance of the HK compact in the .357 and .45 calibers?


Also about the .357 Sig round.
percieved stopping/knockdown power. i know there is supposedly no such thing as stopping power/knockdown power but its the only words i can think of to describe it protection performance.
I have a USP45C

and to answer your questions,
- it is quite accurate (can shoot with my SIGs),
- it's soft shooter - the dual spring recoil system does indeed work.
- Thought they call it compact, it's more of a 'mid-size' -it is a bit bulky (thick) compared to an Officer's or Cmdr 1911, but is concealable beneith a coat or vest (it ain't a deep cover gun).
- Reliability - mine hasn't missed a beat (but I've only got about 1500 rounds thru it.

I have the V-1, and I particularly like the ability to carry it in traditional DA mode or cocked & locked. It has a proper frame mounted safety that sweeps down to 'off', like a 1911. The DA trigger took a while to smooth out, the SA is light & crisp. HTH, good luck, M2
I like the HK .357 a lot. I find it shoots softer than the Glock 32 (roughly same size). It is lighter than the Sig 229.
Accuracy is OK, but my Sig and Glock are better.
I like the controls on the HK. There are no civilian hi cap options that I know in the Sig and Glock use of .40 mags.
Could be wrong.
Try one if you can first. They cost more in my area than the Sig or Glock. YMMV
It is lighter than the Sig 229.
So is the Nimitz, or a naked singularity, for that matter... ;)

On topic, the USP Compacts that I've shot (all but the .357) were uniformly light and very accurate. Seemed to have more muzzle flip than Glocks, but also had a much better trigger than the Glock (if not quite as nice as a P-series SIG)...
Muzzle flip is significant on my USPc45, but recoil is manageable, and accuracy is good (as far as I can tell).
USP45c Review (repost)

About a year ago when I was shopping I fired a USP45c along side the full-sized 45, the .40 and a Sig P220. Many of you have already seen my report on that but here is the part about the 45c.

First tho, the 45c does NOT have a dual recoil spring (unless they have changed that since I was last in a store a couple months ago). Instead they have a hard polymer bushing that goes OVER the main recoil spring that helps absorb left over recoil after fully cycling the gun. Sounds funny when shaking the gun tho as it is free to move most of the length of the recoil spring.


*****HK USP45 compact*****
What a great concept! Make a compact .45 with more capacity than a 1911, able to carry cocked and locked, decocker lever, and rounded off controls! but with small size comes compromises and I didnt particularily care for the ones made here.

I have one heck of a blood blister from slamming part of my palm home with a new clip. While the grip does allow for a tight three finger hold (as opposed to 2 finger), the third finger is on the magazine lip. and the meat of your palm (below your pinky finger) hangs below the magazine well. If you are not careful, PINCH!

Recoil was noticeably sharper. More that tne full size .40, .45, or sig. I got both a heavy push, and a twisting snap on each round. Again, not "punishing" to an average size man, but it was a little distracting and I doubt I would feel comfortable handing this pistol off to my 5'5", 120lb wife.

Controls were USP tight, but that issue with the safety was even more a concern. Althoguh I never accidentally engaged it (having learned on the .40cal) I did have to positin my thumb lower than I am accostomed to. Perhaps that contributed to my medicore shoting with the gun. Not as bad as the full sized .40cal but no where near the USP45, much less the Sig 220.

A cute gun, and a very well made .45 compact. I would much rather fire this one than a lot of those "compact" .45's that look like .25 cals, thats for sure. It also performed flawlessly like all these guns but it was only marginally fun to shoot and after my hand started throbbing from the blood blister I was glad the day was about over.

*****HK USP45 compact *****
PRO: shares good controls with the USP. You can actually get 8 rounds in a compact .45cal! Three finger grip, pretty easy to shoot with both eyes open. Snag free versions of the full sized controls and a bobbed for concealed carry.
CON: It bit me! Recoil is a bit sharp, accuracy is middle of the road, I dont carry concealed so the tapered controls arent a plus for me, the hammer is bobbed and so you cant cock it without pulling back on the slide.

(ed. note: The hammer CAN be cocked after you chamber a round since it goes to a half-cock position, just not when dry firing.)


Well... after all was said and done I was convinced. I was about to go back to the .45cal after 6 years of being a "Forty" man. I loved the feel of the Sigs action, but my wife needs to be able to opperate the controls. I put the USP 45 in her hand and she did a full functions check without a sweat. In her words, "Thats not as bad as I thought!"

The .40cal USP disappointed me. The USP45 compact just didnt fit me but I think it is a great gun for the right hand. The Sig was so fun to shoot I want one, but it doesnt fit my current requirements for home defense and remote camping well enough to buy.

What clinched it was that my gun range had a sale on their USP's offering the four that they had new in the box to the public at their law enforcement prices. There was a new .45 fullsized HK USP45 for only $619. I bought it.

I am no expert, just an ex-GI who likes to shoot pistols and believes that excercising my second ammendment rights is an important component of keeping them. I do not mean to rain on anyones pet gun here, just giving strictly my impressions after spending an afternoon with four of the best made pistols in the world.
Big Ugly Sumbeech Carrying a 45 Compact

I am very pleased with my USP45Compact, Version 9. Shoots less than a 1.75 inch group at 25 yd using Silvertips. Boringly reliable, not one bobble with 3,000 rounds. Sort of on the size and weight of a LW Colt Commander. Recoil is very controllable, not as punishing as a Colt Officers Model. Sights are very good for these old, tired eyes of mine. Equipped with a combat (not target) trigger. I can't believe that the fractional increase of slide width over a Colt GM or Glock makes it all that more difficult to conceal. Basically, this is the gun that Colt should be making and that is high praise from a die hard 1911 lover. I load it with Silvertips or special order 185 gr +P FMJ Winchester ammo. A plastic gun deserves to be carried in a plastic holster - Blade Tech IWB with 2 spare mags. Sits at my bedside at night. I also like the grooved front and rear straps.