Question for guys who work in firearms training


New member
Does anyone know of a source for a resin/plastic or other non-firing repro of the Makarov? It looks like ASP doesn't make a Mak red gun and googling isn't turning up other sources.

I'm wanting it to help train my Nat'l Guard on searches and related stuff. We can get replica Makarovs through the active duty Training Support Center, the main catch being that my unit's full time guys have to actually do it and/or I need someone with more horsepower than I have to get interested and stand over their desk slapping them in the back of the head until they do so. That doesn't seem to be happening very reliably, so some of us are looking at just paying out of pocket for some of the stuff we need.
For teh parameters of searches, any small firearm replica should suffice.

BTW; if you have any female role players, a pistol in the bra really opens up some eyes as far as how being timid/embarassed can get your guys shot.
For teh parameters of searches, any small firearm replica should suffice.

Barring a Makarov replica that's plan B -- baby Glock red gun or similar, most likely.

BTW; if you have any female role players, a pistol in the bra really opens up some eyes as far as how being timid/embarrassed can get your guys shot.

I agree completely -- in my police academy any scenarios where a female got searched by male recruits pretty much always had the punchline of something life threatening (small gun, knife, broken/jagged crack pipe stem, whatever) in the bra or other spots where polite society programs men to not go feeling around without an invitation.

Have you tried Ring's Blue Guns? That is usually a very good source for training guns.

Thanks, will give them a look.
We can get replica Makarovs through the active duty Training Support Center, the main catch being that my unit's full time guys have to actually do it and/or I need someone with more horsepower than I have to get interested

Contact your state's SARTS (Small Arms Readiness Training Section) or state Marksmanship Coordinator. they will get you lined up by passing your AGR people.