Question for Bruce and HS


Staff Alumnus
I'm wondering exactly how the Oz Buyback was implemented. Were gun owners sent letters ordering them to report to the local police to turn in their guns, or was there a door-to-door search, or what?

Just want to know what to expect here in the next few months. :(

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
It depends on what state. In NSW and for the bannana benders since guns wern't registered they just asked you to hand in the banned guns. No searches of houses or anything. They could have checked the firearms dealers records as well but they didn't bother.
Got to
look in articles or something for articles about the buyback and how much a failure it was.

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Thanks, RA. I knew that the program didn't (and couldn't) work; now I have some hard facts to back up my arguments.

Not that hard facts have ever changed an anti's mind, of course.

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
Here in the West, we've had registration (licencing) since the 1930s from memory. The police knew exactly what we had. Their job was easy.

I handed mine in the day before the deadline, but I believe those who didn't got a letter first, followed by a visit from the local constabulary.

Of course, even here, there are many unregistered firearms, mostly bought from other States when you didn't need a licence there. Getting ammo for them is a problem unless you reload and have brass etc. You can only buy ammo for a calibre for which you have a licence, it's entered in a sales register with all your details and you sign for it.

Incidentally, newspapers reported back in 1997 that Customs "sniffer" dogs were being trained to locate firearms as well as other contraband, and would be brought in if police suspected you had hidden "prohibited" weapons.

I agree with you, Coinneach -- I think your gun ownership is about to be severely "crimped", especially after this morning's news from Atlanta, GA.

Yep, start buyin' them "Long term storage units" now, Coinneach !
And don't lose the Map to their whereabouts. Licenced guns ? - HAH ! - Crims don't licence them....grrrr - HS ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"