Question for an FFL


I ordered a pistol from a manufacturer. I sent them a copy of my FFL's license. Paid for the gun, it was shipped, arrived at my FFL's shop. I go to pick it up, fill out the paperwork, everything is peachy. I open the box to examine the pistol, it looks good etc... My FFL then begins looking through the paperwork that came with it for a copy of the manufacturers FFL. There is not one. There is manual, invoice, etc... no copy of their FFL.

My FFL advises he cannot complete the transfer to me until he receives a copy of their FFL.

I don't know what the rules are. I have absolutely know reason to believe my dealer would make it up. I have no reason to believe the mfg intentionally is trying to slow things down.

What is required? Is my FFL right? Or is that FFL copy from the mfg not required to be sent to him?

I am not really happy about this obviously, I had nice plans to shoot a new toy this weekend. I am not about to get crossways with either side, I know the barbara streisand that is required to get an FFL and am not going to put anyone at risk.

I would appreciate another FFL here educating me. If it isn't required and there is something I can show my FFL to put his mind at ease, I still may be able to pick it up tomorrow (Sat). If not, he is closed Monday, so its Tuesday, lather rinse repeat.

Thanks for any help.
Depends on the state. Federal rules allow an individual to ship to an FFL out of state. Some state rules are stricter.
The shipper is the maker of the gun. I am certain (it is a known company) that they are licensed as a manufacturer, not merely an individual.
all the dealer had to do was call the maker and have them

fax him/her a copy of their hard was that to do?
For one FFL to send a gun to another FFL, copies of both FFLs need to be exchanged. An FFL cannot accept from another FFL unless their license is on file (or sent with the gun). An FFL can accept from an unlicensed individual, providing state law doesn't forbid it.

Situation happened to me yesterday:

I'm a licensed type 07 FFL (firearm manufacturer; can also deal). A customer had a gun shipped to me from another dealer. The gun arrived yesterday, just an invoice, no license. I called the number on the invoice, told them who I was and requested their FFL be emailed to me so I can log the gun into my books. 5 minutes later I had the email in front of me and the gun was properly logged into my books.
freakshow10mm said:
Senior Member

For one FFL to send a gun to another FFL, copies of both FFLs need to be exchanged. An FFL cannot accept from another FFL unless their license is on file (or sent with the gun). An FFL can accept from an unlicensed individual, providing state law doesn't forbid it.

That's not true. Federal law only requires that a shipping FFL have a copy of the receiving FFL's license. The reverse is not required. See 27CFR §478.94.




Subpart F_Conduct of Business

Sec. 478.94 Sales or deliveries between licensees.

A licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer
selling or otherwise disposing of firearms, and a licensed collector
selling or otherwise disposing of curios or relics, to another licensee
shall verify the identity and licensed status of the transferee prior to
making the transaction. Verification shall be established by the
transferee furnishing to the transferor a certified copy of the
transferee's license and by such other means as the transferor deems
: Provided, That it shall not be required (a) for a transferee
who has furnished a certified copy of its license to a transferor to
again furnish such certified copy to that transferor during the term of
the transferee's current license, (b) for a licensee to furnish a
certified copy of its license to another licensee if a firearm is being
returned either directly or through another licensee to such licensee
and (c) for licensees of multilicensed business organizations to furnish
certified copies of their licenses to other licensed locations operated
by such organization: Provided further, That a multilicensed business
organization may furnish to a transferor, in lieu of a certified copy of
each license, a list, certified to be true, correct and complete,
containing the name, address, license number, and the date of license
expiration of each licensed location operated by such organization, and
the transferor may sell or otherwise dispose of firearms as provided by
this section to any licensee appearing on such list without requiring a
certified copy of a license therefrom. A transferor licensee who has the
certified information required by this section may sell or dispose of
firearms to a licensee for not more than 45 days following the
expiration date of the transferee's license.
Interesting. Both my ATF agents that did the compliance interview (one via phone, the other in person) said both need copies of FFLs.
That's not true. Federal law only requires that a shipping FFL have a copy of the receiving FFL's license. The reverse is not required. See 27CFR §478.94.

your FFL is just being a jerk.., just my opinion
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