Question about Wash.DC rally


New member
I recently read a posting someplace about a progun rally being scheduled for Oct 2, 1999 in Washington, D.C. can any one confirm this and direct me to the appropriate site to find out the particulars.\

Everybody following the March for Liberty !!

The March for Liberty becomes more important with each passing day. Locally here in Idaho I have a lot of positive response and folks are planning to attend in DC as individual
US citizens. Some are flying, some are bussing, some are caravanning ... and not just from Idaho of course, but from all over this nation !!! On the net and through emails we are
still getting a whole lot of response, all positive, numbering in the hundreds per week.

Regarding thoughts on planning, ... it would be great to have a band at this March. It would be great to have some big name speakers. It would be great to do many "feel good"
things while there with the "in" crowd. These are all especially great if you are working to build a popular movement that takes years to impact things.

However, having said that, we believe most of us are going there to send a clear and direct message to but one group of people. The people in our government !!! Particularly the
federal elected officials and their appointees. It MUST be a direct message. Look at what is happening around us. We are on the verge of something we never thought we would see
in our lifetimes, and against which we are unalterably and mortally set against : the confiscation of legal firearms in this nation (California). If that starts, the genie will come out of
the bottle very quickly.

We do not have time to immerse ourselves with this March in efforts to attract the positive attention of media, or political "big" names, or to impress the masses back home, or to
give someone a stage from which to help in his or her election. We are going there to send a serious and unambiguous message to those officials who are in league to destroy our
liberties (and in fact are doing so with each passing day) ... which ultimately means they intend to destroy our lives.

and THIS is the message ... STOP NOW WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME !!

Restore our Constitutional Republic and walk away from the efforts to infringe on the 2nd amendment. Get the US out of the UN, leave us law abiding citizens at peace and alone.
Quit regulating every aspect of our life ... even down to how much water we can flush down our toilet.


No World Police Force for our armed.
No more murder for convienence.
No more treason with foreign states.
No more votes for money, PAC money or any other.
No more giving control of our land to the UN.
No more unconstitutional taxation system. No more unconstitutional Executive Orders.
No more National Emergency
No more Free Trade or Tariff treaties which give away our nation's capcities and capabilities.

We could go on all night, but the summary message to these political whores will be :


As many as can will be given an opportunity to deliver these messages, five minutes each at this gathering.

If we can get people like Alan Keyes, Bob Smith, Ron Paul, etc. to speak directly and tell these thugs and tyrants that they are committing treason, and that the ultimate penalty for
treason is death !!! ... and that by their treasonable actions they are leading us to an armed revolt by liberty loving citizens if things are not reversed ... then let them come and speak.
Otherwise, ...

Let us INSIST that they come and LISTEN TO US!!!.

We are not there to play any political games or to "have a good time".

This is a sobering and serious business at this point. I know when I get the microphone on that day for my few minutes, the things I just wrote are what I am going to say. They
need saying and I hope some of those officials are listening. We really intend to let any person attending take the microphone for a few minutes and speak their heart and mind to
Congress on any issue relating to The mission statement of this March. So come prepared to speak your mind. We intend to invite them all to listen.

So, let's hope we do have a good time meeting each other, rubbing shoulders and creating bonds of kinsmanship, love for liberty and unity in preparation for the coming struggle. If
we can do that while delivering this message ... great. Otherwise, let's make sure we deliver the message.

Sorry to be so long winded.

In Liberty,

Jeff Head
Emmett, ID

There are only 9 weeks before this event. Plan on it, talk about it, invite friends, neighbors and relatives. Spread the word for everyone to come and support the Mission Statement of
this event on October 2nd in Washington DC.