Question About Using WW's to Cast Bullets


New member
Okay, here's my question: I was casting bullets today and found that I have an abundance of tape-weights, the kind that stick on with that heavy-duty foam double-sided tape. When I put these in my melting pot I find that they smoke like crazy and they wanna sometimes catch fire in the melting pot. Am I the only one who has this problem? Do you know any way to prevent this or how to get the stuff off the weights before I put them in the pot?!
More heat !!!

Stay upwind !! I tried scrapin, pressure washing , even soaking em in gasoline still smoked like crazy so the last batch I lite the burner & backed off until the smoke cleared !!!

Most of mine check 7-8bhn 30, 40-1 maybe , they have a little tin in em !

I either use mine for smoke pole bullets or for cutting a blended alloy.

There good for blending with clip on weights to strech em out in a dry spell.

& there`s some nasty paint on some of the isotope containers I`ve smelted also !!!

You do smelt in a different pot besides the 1 ya cast from ????
I've noticed some funky paint on the clip-on weights too that smokes like hell and then sits atop the lead in the pot and sticks to the spoon when I scoop it out.
1st, the stick-ons ARE soft lead---might not want to dilute your clip-ons unless you're going for a softer alloy. 2nd, smelt your ingots in a separate pot--otherwise you'll make a serious mess out of your casting pot. As for the burn-off, it's free flux! :D Enjoy it up wind when your neighbors aren't home.
As for the burn-off, it's free flux! :D
Ah, there's an optimist in every group. :)

I use the tape-on-weights for black powder lead, too.

One of the benefits of inhaling all that smoke is it lets you see all sorts of fascinating colors and patterns, and you forget why you are smelting. ;)
You might want to give them the side cutter test before you throw them in the pot. The last couple batches of weights I have gotten have had some that would not melt at 750 degrees. I fished them out, let them cool and they were harder than a regular stick on. Zinc ?
You do smelt in a different pot besides the 1 ya cast from ????

This is important--it's best to melt down your wheel weights into ingots using a different pot than the one you cast from, especially if you cast with a bottom pour pot. I use a 10 qt. cast iron dutch oven (which I've dedicated to melting lead and will never use for food again) and the burner from my turkey fryer.

Like most others, I separate my stick-on weights from the clip-ons, and melt them down separately. Then later when I want to cast some softer bullets I'll just drop one of those nice, clean, pure lead ingots into my casting pot to mix in with the other wheel weight alloy.
maggys, the stick-on weights come in Zn, Fe, Pb, plastic, even some kind of heavy foamlike stuff that I won't even try to melt down. Most of the Zn and Fe weights are marked that way, but not always. The Pb ones you can easily bend with your fingers.

Same generally holds true for the clip-on type, except they are not as easily bent with fingers. I use a side cutter on them or some pliers. The "useable" ones will mark pretty easily. The Zn and Fe ones won't.
Ive tried to scrape the adhesive from the back before melting them... didnt work worth a crap...

... Just let em smoke and it will burn off...

..I have found that if you turn em with the sticky side up in the pot..that as soon as they heat up the adhesive will start to melt..and you can scrape it off then...instead of just letting it burn the whole time in the pot.
Stick ons smoke too much? Ha! be glad the plumbers dont give you old lead bins from remodels. My neighbors wish I only melted stick ons!

Old lead drain lines are pure lead too, add some shot to harden it up or trade it as is to a CAS for his Wife...:D

Do you know any way to prevent this or how to get the stuff off the weights before I put them in the pot?!

Don't use them. Get some Lyman #2 alloy.

Soak them in goof off.
Lookin out for zinc !!

That`s the general consensus now , as states outlaw using lead Wheel weights we`re gonna get a mix of em !!!!

The last bucket I smelted down I sorted out 37# of zinc !!!

Just keep ya smelting down to a sane level , don`t just fill the pot then turn the heat wide open !!Med. heat & paying attention & you`ll see the zinc/steel weights come to the top! as stated try to keep it `round 650-700f.

I sort mine but still miss a couple on every bucket !!!

At times I`ve mix 50/50 clipon & stik on to extend my WW supply !

Most handgun ammo will work with 10-14bhn , especially when the bullet fits .

If super speed is what your after then it`ll take waterdropping or heat treating straight WW or some linotype/monotype & if this is added to the alloy in any amount your back to the cost of jacketed , almost !