Question about the HK Tactical.


New member
My buddy and I went to the range last saturday and he brought his tactical. This is a pistol that I have had my eye on for a little while. I liked the way it shot, felt, fit my hand, and functioned all except one thing. When the hammer was cocked either with or without the slide back you could not pop in a new mag. It seemed that there was a spring that was blocking the mag well when the slide was back and the hammer was cocked. I coul drop the mag out but I couldn't pop a new mag in. this really pissed me off. I figure this is not what I want to have in a "Tactical" situation where I have to reload. My buddy said that this was normal. I figure that I could really jam the mag in there but I didn't want to break the gun. If I had to reload I would have to let the slide forward, drop the hammer, pop in a new mag and then cock it again instead of simply putting in a new mag and letting the slide forward. Does the regular USP .45 full size do this too? My USP .45C does not and I love my pistol.

How much do the tacticals run for? My buddy bought his for $1090 in Lousiana about a year ago.

Thanks for sharing the wisdom.

keep on smiling :)

The condition you descibe is _not_ normal for that pistol. If it is the hammer strut spring (the long spring in the rear of the magazine well) that is interfering with the insertion of a new magazine, this is symptomatic of a bent hammer strut probably caused when the slide was manipulated with the internal locking device engaged.

The normal functioning of this pistol permits magazines to be inserted and dropped freely, slide forward or to the rear, hammer down or back.

If you shop around you should be able to get a Tactical for less than $900. If you look one over or get one, make sure that the internal locking mechanism is disengaged before you manipulate the slide.

Could you please explain this situation some more?
In what way does one need to mishandle the gun to cause it?
And what exactly is the internal locking mechanism?

I see by your profile that you live in Europe so this situation may not apply to HK weapons imported into your country but in 10/99 HK began installing an internal key operated safety lock in the USPs destined for the USA. This unobtrusive feature was an effort by HK to take a positive step in defending themselves in the event of 'safe gun' litigation or legislation in the US market.

The mechanism is installed on the inside of the backstrap of the grip and locks the hammer strut. This in turn prevents hammer travel and retards slide movement.

Unfortunately, when the first USPs with the locks were marketed the owner's manuals that came with those weapons made no mention of the lock because they were a stock of previously printed manuals. The interim solution from HK was to affix bright orange stickers on the gun or inside the box/case it came in warning of the lock.

Sometimes the stickers were missing, or not immediately visible, or ignored. The uninformed dealers or new owners would, commonly, force the slide to the rear to inspect the weapon or disengage the safety/decocking lever and press the trigger with overwhelming force. Both of these actions could cause the rigid hammer strut and spring to bow into the magazine well and impede functioning of the pistol.
Thanks for the info. I get to give my buddy a big "I TOLD YOU SO." This also releives me sincei was thinking about purchasing a Tactical and this really scared me off for a while.
Yup. His gun is definately screwed up. When you get yours, just remember to check the safety lock in the bottom of the mag well. Unlock it and destroy the key soon after.