Question about S&W safety feature


New member

I have two questions about my model 410 .40 S&W handgun. For both questions assume that there is a cartridge in the chamber and the safety is OFF:

1) If the hammer is struck while the hammer is down, is it possible for the cartridge to fire?

2) If I attempt to cock the hammer, and I accidently let the hammer slip before the hammer is fully cocked, can the cartridge fire?

I know that with my 629 revolver there is a safety feature which will only allow the cartridge to fire when the trigger is pulled all the way back. If there is something similar to this in the 410 pistol, then the answer to questions 1 and 2 would likely be "no".

I appreciate any information you can give me.
While nothing is impossible (barring a malfunctioning gun), the answers are no, and no.

The design is such that the trigger needs to be fully rearward for the firing pin to be released.