Question about recoil springs


New member
What are the effects of using a lighter or heavier spring in a semi-auto? A am considering getting a lighter spring for my CZ75 because a find the slide racking a bit to heavy for my taste. I suspect this would increase felt recoil but what other consequences might I encounter?

Speaking of which, is it just me or do CZ75's have a heavier slide pull then most? Comparing it with 1911's, USP's, and SIG's, my CZ feels like a workout. Is it just my gun or is this normal for CZ's?

Using liter springs could cause frame battering where the slide stops against the frame during recoil. It could also cause a pistol to fire out of battery. Too heavy a spring will cause reliability problems with ammo feed. Ejected brass should go no more than about 6 feet if the springweight is correct. Slide mass must also fiqure in to the equation. The heavier the slide the lower the spring weight needed. Example stock springweights - Glock 19=18lb spring Glock 17=17lb spring.