Question about paddle holsters


New member
I've got a Blackhawk SERPA CQC belt/paddle holster. It has the standard belt attachment, as well as a paddle attachment.

Now, comes my stupid question. When wearing a paddle holster, do you just pop it over your belt and have the entire paddle on the outside of the pants, or does the large flat part slip inside the pants with the rest of the unit outside the pants?

I've only worn the holster with the belt attachment, but am contemplating using this holster for CCW with my M&P9 full size during the colder months when I'll have a jacket to hide it under.
Why would anyone want a holster for a paddle? They're what 4' - 6' long? How on earth could you carry one of those on your side? And why would you want to? :)

The paddle goes inside the pants.
The paddle goes inside the pants. One thing to watch for is that some designs tend to pull out on the draw. The only kydex that I personally know of that is as secure as a belt holster is the Comp-Tac paddle design. There may be others.