Question about my savage

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I have a Savage Model 99 made in 1899 that still is 100% original and i was wondering if the value of it would go down drasticaly if i got it drilled and tapped for scope mounts?
I've been looking around for one (for the right price of course) for a while now. I absolutely do not want one that was tapped. Most people dont. I passed up a remington model 81 before because it was tapped. Your savage depending on caliber could be a valuable one since its original and an early one. Enjoy the challenge of iron sights.
[i was wondering if the value of it would go down drasticaly if i got it drilled and tapped for scope mounts?]

Short answer: YES

Long answer: YES, Siree !

well i was asking because the irons suck and it is in 38-55 it also has no sling mounts and last season was using a modified 1 point tac sling.

You have an 1899 made in 1899.

That should put your serial number under, IIRC, 11,000.

Depending on condition and specific attributes, you do realize that that rifle could be worth middle to middle high four figures, don't you?

Drilling and tapping such a rifle would legitimately reduce its value by more than half.

If you can't stand the sights, retire it and get another Model 99 of a newer vintage.
Thanks for the input i will leave it 100% original. Another question i have is the original blueing is wearing off and the outside is pitting but the local gunsmith says dont touch it. Any input?
As the collector told me, 100% professional refinish is Zero % original finish, and original finish, even if worn, is what collectors look for.

Savages that old in calibers other than .303 Savage are pretty uncommon.

If you want to continue to shoot it (I have a Winchester Single Shot of that year that I have shot in many BPCR matches.) you might look into a tang peep sight, which will improve accuracy a good deal. I THINK they are drilled and tapped for that. If it is not, well, don't do that, either.
you should get a tang sight for that old Savage. they are a lot better than open sights and it should have been factory drilled and tapped for a tang sight and there fore will only increase the value of that old rifle.
Don't drill, refinish or alter your rifle in ANY way! I will be glad to trade your old Savage99 for one of my rifles with a scope on them. If you need a scoped rifle, check with ME! You will ruin its value no matter how good a job you do! Some of the newer(but before they turned to junk) Savage model 99s are factory drilled for scopes.
Thanks for the input i will leave it 100% original. Another question i have is the original blueing is wearing off and the outside is pitting but the local gunsmith says dont touch it. Any input?


Now repeat after me. DON'T TOUCH IT!!!
If you must have a scoped, shiny blued sporting rifle sell the Savage to someone who appreciates it's value, and buy something else.
You have a very fine collectible there, and honest wear, and patina finish add much more to it's value where a re-blue destroys it!
The OP hasn't been active on TFL since July, 2009. He's probably done whatever he was going to do by now.
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