Question about MO gun carrying


I'm aware that I can carry my handgun anyway I want inside my home, just wondering if I make a run down the drive to check the mail do I need to remove the gun from my side or can I carry it unconcealed if im on my private property? The police hassled me last nite because I was standing on my porch with my 45 strapped to my side.
Welcome to the board.

Your first post may be an interesting thread.

My opinion is that every time you carry a weapon in plain view you ought to expect to attract the attention of the local gendarmes, because they have absolutely no idea why you're carrying it or what you intend to do with it. You could be either taking your .45 out for a nice walk, or heading down to the Albertson's to whack your wife after discovering she was having an affair with the Produce Manager. So, they inquire.

If you do not wish to pass the time with the local constabulary, then do not carry your rod in the open - even on your own property they may not immediately recognize either you or the fact that you own the property.

Obviously, circumstances are all different and you may live in an extremely rural or remote area, but in general if the gendarmes see a piece it tends to make them curious.

Just sayin'

Hope you enjoy the Firing Line.

hello to a fellow Missourian.
Missouri is an open carry state. With that said, you must check the local ordinances to make sure you are legal. You may also apply for a CCW permit, take the class and apply at the sheriffs dept. You may carry and even conceal a firearm in your vehicle, no permit required. Be safe and enjoy your freedoms.
Thank you and I agree with you and normally I dont carry as I havent got my ccw as of yet, due to here we dont have indoor ranges and they wont give you the test in the cold lol. I live in a somewhat remote location and there had been several large groups of unsavory looking characters wondering around. I arrived home with my 8 year old son to find 2 extremely large individuals and 5 smaller individuals behind them walking up my drive. I had been out to "my range" earlier and had 2 guns on me at that time so wasnt 2 concerned about being attacked. I later took my son to his moms and went grocery shopping when I returned home I saw the same group still wondering around my area. I was cleaning up and loading trash etc up and as it was a rather nice nite I decided to leave the door open. Now not wanting anyone to walk in and surprise me I strapped my 45 to my side and went about my work. I was actually standing in the back room of my house when I saw someone walking up the drive and with the low lighting I could not tell who it was so I stepped out onto the porch to let "them" know someone was there. I did not notice it was a police officer until he got up close enough that my lights hit him at which point I informed him I was armed. He took the gun and apparently called for back up as 5 more showed up with a matter of seconds. They did the usual took the gun, my id, a knife that was in my pocket. I will say that one of the officers was a very pleasant person and even apoligized for the hassle, and we stood and talked a bit and I tried to explain the situation. He seemed very understanding. I guess the irony here is that of all that was going on it was me the only one who had the right to be there that got the 5th degree. But I also understand it from there point of view also. I guess the fact they made me feel somewhat like a criminal for standing on my back porch with my gun is what really got to me. Like I said in a month or so when it gets and stays warmer I plan to get my ccw so such incidents wont happen. But anyway thanks for the advice and have a great day.
Well that makes us nearly neighbors... Shoot, I'd figure over there everyone would have a 6 shooter strapped to the leg...:-)

Im outside Poplar Bluff.
Your just a little bit outside of my range of knowing CCW instructors... but Im sure you shouldnt have any trouble finding one local.
good luck!
What exactly does open carry mean? When I lived out of the city they didnt much care where we wore our guns. I would strap up when I went for atv rides or just out for a walk and the sheriff dept would drive along stop and never so much as took the gun. Its a little diff living in town :) To be honest I was a little offended, and I know I shouldnt be as they were just doing there jobs, and I prob would of done the same if I was in there shoes but still he saw me walk outta my house and its not as if I were waving it around in the air or acting in a aggressive manner. Honestly had I known it was a police officer I prob would of took it out of the holster and left it laying on the dryer.
I can never remember: is it Missouri or Mississippi where the courts have ruled that open-carry is legal but only if the gun is 100% fully visible, which means either a holster made of clear plastic(!) or this insane critter: (check out the video!)
yeah were not to far away my dad goes to the VA hospital in Poplar Bluff, I have taken him over many times. And yes I have found 2 that im looking into. One actually does a class where he teaches you how to break down guns and clean them etc, the other a 4 hour video and to the range. Im leaning more towards the video as I have kids and getting away for 4 hours is sometimes next to impossible lol. And the fact that I have 12 handguns now and had several more through the years I have torn down and cleaned my share of them but there is always more that can be learned. I plan on taking it soon as they will let me.
Well that gives shooting from the hip a whole new meaning :) And Im not sure either I have looked it up but its not real clear, or at least it wasnt to me. Im sure what I was doing was not illegal or they prob would have confiscated my gun.....they passed it around talking about how nice it was! Next time I think I will strap on my cheap one lol
Well if you are in town, a call to city hall should tell you if open carry is approved in town, as for visibility, the weapon in a holster, not covered by shirt or coat. Other than that you should be fine. Im sure the officers that visited were 'tipped' to the nut with the gun... I wouldnt think they would visit for fun.
it was in plain view had it holstered and my shirt was on the inside, but it was dark. They didnt get a tip I think they were making rounds and im sure they saw those other guys running around. What brought them up to my house was an open door lol my appt is behind another building with a drive on both sides of the other building and theres not much light. Had he identified himself as law enforcement it might not have been so bad. And thanks for the tip I will give city hall a call after while and see what they say. I have a couple of friends that are PD also, maybe they could give me there input.
Also thanks for the link my city is on there :) Now I will just have to find out what the guidelines for "open" carry is.
They may have had reports of people prowling the area and this was just a case of them being cautious until they identified that you were really the lawful home occupant. I do not know MO law but I would not be surprised if it was legal to open or conceal carry without a permit on your own property.

Edit to add: from the site

It is unlawful to carry a firearm concealed on or about one’s person without a concealed carry endorsement on the Missouri driver’s or non-driver’s license or a valid permit to carry concealed firearms issued by any state.
This prohibition does not apply to possession in a person’s dwelling, while hunting or while traveling in a continuous journey through the state.

So it looks like concealed carry on property is not allowed without permit, and open carry as said above varies from city to city.
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Unless you are in a municipality that has prohibited open carry you are good to go. I live in St. Charles County, a suburb of St. Louis, and (since I do not live in a city) open carry is legal in my neighborhood. I could walk my dog with a sidearm proudly displayed on my hip- I would anticipate answering a few questions about it, but it's legal (I conceal- no point in trolling for trouble).

Since you appear to be new to the state or to our firearms laws, I suggest also spending some time on the forum over at They'll be able to put you in touch with an instructor in your area as well as answer specific law related questions.