Question about Louisiana and age


I am currently 18 years old and I have a Glock 22 .40 that I bought from a friend.

From what I understand at 18 in la, I can buy the gun from my friend since its a "private" sale and not from a FLA.

So could I get the papers in my name?

Right now everything is in his name.

Also, our state law is 21 for concealed license.

I have my local sheriff who is going to get me a concealed license at my age because I know him. He says that I can say that I got it at 18 because of my dangerous job and because of the amount of money I make. A little job info..... I'm an Engineer for a major rap group called Trill Entertainment which includes lil'boosie, webbie, foxx and more.

So I'm always in a dangerous position when I go to work.

Even if he gets the license for me would I be in some trouble if say I get caught outside of my parish where I don't know the sheriff even though I have the license at 18?

I also travel to Mississippi a lot. Would they allow that since I have a valid license at only 18?

Just trying to make sure before I get in any trouble. I know I will be ok in my parish, but not sure any where else and when I ask him, he just says that there are certain situations to allow the license at 18.

Thanks for the help guys!
No offense, but a local sheriff getting you a CWP because he knows you is a bad idea. You and that Sheriff are not above state law and it could come back to bite you in the behind, I would research it a little more and see if you really can legally get it because of your job...interesting one at that...
IF you get it legally it is just as valid as if you were 21 and IF La. does make exceptions for 18 in some cases I don't see why yours wouldn't be one of those cases. From what I can find La. and Ms. do NOT honor each others CCW permits.
I also travel to Mississippi a lot. Would they allow that since I have a valid license at only 18?
Afraid not, got to be 21 here...sorry. I know we honor each other's permits, but I'm not sure at 18, I'll ask my brother next time I see him...he was just sworn in as Deputy for sheriff's dept.

He may know if they make exceptions for younger than 21.
The problem as I see it with only being 18 and wanting a CCW permit is some may not see you as responsible enough at a young age. When they look at your chosen field (entertainment) RAP people a lot of people will ASSUME bad things. Toss gangsta rapinto the mix and you will fall into guilty by association. I knows this sounds rascist but I am not trying to be.

If you do get your permit and it is only good in your parish please honor that for your own sake. If you travel (with weapon) outside your parish and are stopped you would most likely be in a world of hurt. They could basically throw the book at you.If charged with a weapons charge (which would most likely be a felony) you would probably lose any chance to get another CCW permit for the rest of your life.

If there is anyone in the group who is 21 or older have them put in for a permit. This way someone is legally armed when you go do gigs. 3 years really isn't that long. As you get older you will see how fast time really goes by. I hope you guys do well and make a bunch of money.
So I'm always in a dangerous position when I go to work.

Don't blame you. Given all the occurances that seem to happen in that business I'd want to carry to. Tis a sade state when you might have to defend yourself from your employee/employer.
I'm one of the first CHL instructors authorized for Louisiana, so I think I'm fairly up on this stuff. First, your sheriff CANNOT give you a CHL at any age. The CHL is from the state, and you cannot have one until you are 21. Second, Louisiana does not require you to have any "papers" in your name when it comes to firearms ownership.