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Question about locked threads


New member
I apologize for needing to have this explained to me, however I've been the master admin and moderator on some _very_ busy forums before and I don't understand the "overbearing father" approach that seems to be shared by most of the moderation staff here:


I'm going to let this continue but under very close monitoring.

What, in this thread, needs to be closely monitored based on the first two posts? For a forum that is supposed to be about enhancing the rights of Americans, there sure seems to be a shortage of free speech here. There's a lot of unnecessary censorship here, I could point out so many threads that were locked for no apparent reason other than ego.
First off, censorship is only done by government. By definition. This is Rich's living room, and it's up to him as to what's acceptable behavior and speech. No different from you in your living room.

Some threads lend themselves to an attitude of "Kill'em all and let God sort'em out." In this particular thread, for a civilian engaged in self defense to use suppressive fire? That can all to easily get into a spray and pray use of one's weapon, endangering non-combatants. To do so is not just stupid, it's illegal. A moderator has to judge by the tone of the writing, which may not necessarily reflect what the writer actually means. We actually have people write stuff like, "Well, I'm gonna do whatever I have to, to survive!" Uh, does that include "suppressing" your neighbor?

Obviously, I'm second-guessing Erick.

It's the Internet. No facial expressions, no body language. Many posters don't really think out, plan out, their thesis. it's easy to misunderstand.


I was a little disturbed when I read that sticky. I am currently not a tactics or training expert, and if I ever was those skills have been erroded and made obsolete with time.

I haven't been there since and don't intend to post or reply to a post.

I think anyone who has been on TFL for any length of time, and pays attention to what is going on, should get a good feel of what threads are inappropriate and will probably be closed.

After the old padlock has been put on they are fun to read. ;)
A couple of other thoughts … I post under my real name. I have a strong preference for folks who do the same. I end up having to stand by what I put out on the Error Net. If you hide behind some moniker and you are posting asinine things, I am very likely to view you as a clown. I will then treat you with the respect you deserve.

I'm not sure I understand why members should have to use their real names in order for the mods to take them seriously. We all had to list our real names to get approved for the forums, so why does it matter if we use "monikers" to hide our ID from those who don't need it? I would think the staff of this forum would encourage its members to hide their true ID for security reasons.
When you say
We all had to list our real names to get approved for the forums ...
Where and when did you have to list your real name? I don't believe that has ever been a requirement for joining TFL.
Where and when did you have to list your real name? I don't believe that has ever been a requirement for joining TFL.

Well, I just tried re-registering and it turns out I was thinking of a different forum. This one does not ask for your name. Sorry.:D

But it is till not a good idea to list your real name on a site where you will be discussing all the valuable stuff you own. And the fact that you will not be taken seriously by the staff because you refuse to put yourself at risk is hard to believe. I have noticed(and apparently so have others) that this forum is becoming a little more restrictive than it has been. I am concerned that it may be heading the way of the cobray message boards. I can understand some of the problems, but most of what I've seen has been selective. The staff does have a tendancy to threaten the posters when they say something unkosher. In the wake of the large server crash recently, I wonder if this is just a way of selectivly removing threads to free up bandwidth.
Not particularly conclusive, but I suggest everyone try to locate a copy of Vernor Vinge's _True Names_ if you really want to think about names and pseudonyms and stuff.

I wonder if this is just a way of selectivly removing threads to free up bandwidth.
Nope. The remaining problems on this temp server have nothing to do with bandwidth or storage space.
Nicotine said:
And the fact that you will not be taken seriously by the staff because you refuse to put yourself at risk is hard to believe.
C'mon, Nic. That's a distortion of one staff member's view. It hardly constitutes such a blanket statement.

Using one's real name is a good start to gaining credibility on discussion forums, but it isn't the alpha and omega.


/Who still uses his handle
//Has his real name in his profile
///Refers to himself in third person sometimes.
////:confused: ;) :D
Some threads lend themselves to an attitude of "Kill'em all and let God sort'em out." In this particular thread, for a civilian engaged in self defense to use suppressive fire? That can all to easily get into a spray and pray use of one's weapon, endangering non-combatants. To do so is not just stupid, it's illegal. A moderator has to judge by the tone of the writing, which may not necessarily reflect what the writer actually means.

Which is exactly why you should leave the thread open and allow your forum members to educate the poor bastards... See you guys in another month or two.