Question about cleaning a S & W 642 -


New member
When cleaning a S & W 442/642 is it ever necessary (or is it OK) to remove the side plate, to clean the area around the hammer? The manual that came with my 642 a general manual for "Revolvers - Modern Style" and does not specifically address the shrouded hammer.

Thanks in advance
It is necessary for both cleaning and relubrication of the parts.

It's not necessary to do it every time you clean the gun. I've got an S&W Model 19 with several thousand rounds through it without having the side plate or (or having been cleaned, for that matter!).

Word of advice about this...

1. Remove the screws, and keep them in order so that you can replace them in the same holes.

2. NEVER pry the sideplate off! The proper method is to cup the gun in one hand, side plate up, with a thumb or finger very lightly over it to keep it from bouncing off and hitting the floor, and striking the grip frame with a wood stick, rawhide mallet, etc. The sideplate will jump loose.

3. When putting the sideplate back on, make sure the little lip on the top of the side plate is properly positioned under the outer edge of the frame.

4. Install the screws in the proper holes, and tighten them as you would lug nuts. Do NOT tighten one all the way down and then move to the others! Tighten in a circular pattern, a little at a time.
In 20 years of owning j-frames I've never opened them careful...we all tend to overtinker when we get somehing new and sometimes regret leaving well enough alone....
Word of advice from experience of a kitchen mule, ensure you use the right size screwdriver when you remove the sideplate!:o

Someone I know seriously mauled a poor innocent 640. Yikes (ah, to be young and stupid again, instead of older and still stupid).

BTW, I prefer the 638 to the 640 or 642. I do not like roll checks on the trigger only, but I do not have the honed ninjaesque reflexes of don't.
Best advice is to go to Home Depot and get a screwdriver bit set (hardened blades) as you will surely find a tip tht fits the side plate screws perfectly. If not, use a larger tip and file it down to fit. Don't try to loosen these screws with a screwdriver that doesn't fit or you will tear the heads up badly.

BTW: I agree that the sideplate should come off for cleaning and lubing about every tenth range outing. I hose the gun out with brake cleaner spray and then re-lube with good oil and Tetra Gun grease. Tetra repels dirt and blowback so the grease stays clean longer. Liquid oil absorbs dirt and turns black. The first time you take the plate off, the insides will probably look like black syrup was poured on them.