Question about an old murder case...


New member
I am not sure this is the proper forum for this question or not, but here goes anyway.

Back in about 1980 I was traveling North on I-55 in the bootheel of Missouri. I noticed a silver Ford Granada stopped on the right shoulder of the north bound lane. Just as I passed the vehicle, a young woman jumped out of the passenger's side and started running up the highway. The driver also jumped out and started chasing her. This bothered me so much, I took the next exit and went back South. I never saw the vehicle again, neither North bound nor stopped. I reversed course and went on my way to my home in Cape Girardeau. The next morning the TV news had a story about a young female that had been found murdered along I-55 in the bootheel.

I called the Pemiscott County Sheriff and related the story. He said that several truckers had also come forward with the same information and asked me come down to see if I could ID the victim. I did but unfortunately I could not say it was the same person. The clothes were not right and her face had taken a shotgun blast at close range. In addition, the body was South of the incident I had witnessed.

To the best of my knowledge the victim was never ID'ed and the case was never solved. My question is: How can I find out if the case was ever solved? I once heard that Henry Lee Lucas had confessed but was never charged. :confused:
"Or the DA decides a murder didn't take place and proceeds to plea the case down to a butt slap."

Crap like this happens in many murder cases. Then the prosecutor crows about how he saved taxpayers "the expense of a trial."
You realize most murder cases are never solved.
Last time I looked I think Murder in the US had a ~50% solved rate. You only see the TV shows of the ones they solved.

Scott Peterson could have easily gotten away with what he did if he actually spent some time planning it out. You don't wing-it when killing someone.
henry lee lucas confessed to over 300 different murders and is known as the biggest fabricated serial killer in history.......i doubt he did it....
Contact the local PD where the body was found. Talk to someone in the detective squad or a senior officer. Give them as many details as possible to either jog thier memory or help them find the old case file.

Better to do it in person if you can, much better than some voice over the phone. And be honest, just tell them this has bothered you for a while and want some peace of mind.