Quality Time in the Field!


BIL and I went small game hunting Monday and I had a great time - as usual. Although we struck out altogether on taking game home I had a freight train of five doe come trotting within 15 yards of me, all in a row. I also had some turkey strut by me while sitting on the ground. Just a great day in the field and my oh my did I see a bunch of deer rubs.

I kept my eyes peeled for sheds but unfortunately didn't find any Yet! Have I said lately how much I love being retired?

The trusty Marlin 410 Lever gun:

One rub:

Another rub:

Eyes upward looking for squaks:

Another rub:

Another rub:

Nice pics...but here in Maryland, it is illegal to lean a firearm up against a tree or vehicle.

Here in the Midwest we call that a natural gun rack. Maryland is what it is but as always make sure things are safe.

The hammer is down and safety might even be on.
a bad day of hunting still beats a good day working:D

When I am out hunting, sometimes after a certain time I almost wish no game comes by because I know it will be a few more hours of work if I do bag it:o
"Any day spent in the woods retired is a better day than most."

Dandy looking Marlin. Looking at your picture before its caption reading. I thought I was looking at a 45-70.

Hefted a Winchester 94 410 once at Gander Mtn. A little too heavy for my liking. Spoiled I guess having hunted many years with a couple Iver Johnson Champion's in 410 and one other like it in 12 ga.

No shed's? As they say "nothing in the woods goes to waste." :)