Quality Ear Protection that fits around rifle stocks


New member
Well, I’ve been looking for some decent ear protection to replace my Pro Ear Pro Mags. They have been in service since 2004. Finally died completely it 2022….18yrs $200….$11 per year with about monthly use.

So, what is gunshot noise…LINK
I think 3m describes this well. It is 150-170db of sound pressure in a very fast impulse.

What frequency range is it? (I’m struggling to find a good source.) From memory, I believe it peaks in the 800 - 4000 range….with the max around 1000.

Last, look into bone conduction. If I can get bone headphones, sound is passing through there. Not sure if you can get hearing damage through bone conduction. I read that you can.
So, what do I want….

Ear Muffs….I want to cover the bones around the ear too, when indoors or when shooting boomers/handguns outdoors.

Electronic….I want to hear without removing headphones.

Sound compression…..I want to hear it all, but just compressed to a safe level.

Safe level….85db is safe, 82db is a better safe limit of sound coming through the muffs

Attentuation data….it is much better to look at the full spectrum of attentuation data than an SNR or NRR.

Don’t get confused by nrr or snr. Most companies are pretty honest, some choose a minimum, but some choose something that looks like what they wish it were. My point is always look at the data.

Shape….I want the cup shape minimized without too much impact to performance.

Microphone….I want wind protected and multi directional. I want natural, but amplified hearing.

IP rating….I’d like IP7 or IPX7….or better.

Batteries….well, ideally I’d like to get muffs with a built in rechargeable that had >40 hours life….

Bluetooth….yea it would be nice, but not an absolute requirement.

Cup material…..I don’t think I care, but I’d like to try gel cups. They are pretty popular.

Head band….I’d like an easy to use…whatever that means. I also need it to fold up pretty well. The wire band seems best, but is a bit hard for me to use.

USA made….in the world or ear pro and many other things, this can be hard to buy. Pro Ears are the only USA made product that I am aware of.

So, I looked at everything from Howard Leight Sports through Sordins. There is little truly bad out there.

After, weeks of research, I’m down to 3M Peltor Tactical Sports and Pro Ears Gold II 26.

Pro Ears has a 30% off sale right now. I went with Pro Ears again.

What are you using? Are you happy?
I have Radians DIY custom molded ear plugs. By themselves the seal isn't great, but they are comfortable.

I don't think it's possible for over the ear muffs to clear a rifle stock if they are all the way around the stock side ear. If I move the right cup upward so it never touched the stock, the pressure keeps the plugs in and working well.

If someone needs to speak to me I can raise one cup off the ear.
Well, I went with the Pro Ears Gold II 26. I described them pretty well above. This was the setup. Win 70 custom in 300 Sherman under a roof.

They had the stock clearance I was looking for….

Sound is natural, but slightly amplified on the low setting. Volume controls allow you to balance right to left. Gunshots can be heard, but the volume is obviously compressed to the point of not being overly loud or concussive. It was noticeably better than using in ear only protection. I had the Pro Mag before. These seem about the same. They run off AAA’s which is nice The gel ear cups were nice and provided a good seal. I chose the plastic band. Other than coming not snapped together right, it was fine. Snapping the ear piece to head band part is nearly impossible!

Overall, I am very happy with them. Worth the $140 I paid? Yes! Worth $200, I’m not sure.