pyrodex pellets no bullet

wild willy

New member
I read it somewhere can't find it again.Somebody said they shot Pyrodex or Triple 777 pellets with no bullet at either New Years or 4th of July as a sort of flaming firework.Anybody ever do it or see it?Not important just curious
Turns into an incindiary device.

Not with these two propellants but yes, they came flying out the barrel like little rockets. Even spirally due to the rifling. No harm but a waste of pellets and can see how they might start a fire. ...... :)

Be Safe !!!
I had some Shockley's sugar cubes that were junk, and used 'em up this way. It actually is pretty neat to do it at night- they're like a Roman Candle. The cube burned bright red & burned up in midair. But I only did it when the gun needed cleaning anyway. Wasn't worth the effort otherwise.
Speaking of grass fires, I have a, sort of, related question.

Until I just started playing with my new flintlock I've never use cotton patches in muzzle loading. The patches are coated with grease.

Last night I was laying in bed thinking about the chances of that patch starting a grass fire.

Is it common or is the black powder grease non flammable?
Good question but not likely

Is it common or is the black powder grease non flammable?
This is a fair question and in my experience is that, you have very little to worry about. Whenever I shoot or teach a class, I read the patches and mostly show some carbon stain. I have never seen "any" signs of burning. The outer edges will get frayed and even they show no burning. When I say that I read patches, I look for a number of things that help me diagnose and potential problems. I do the same to sabots. Not saying that it's impossible, just not likely. ..... :confused:

There are a number of ways to lube a patch and the most common is a basic mixture of Tallow which supposed to be the "inside" fat of an animal which is not a volatile substance. By the time it leaves the bore and flies through the are, I don't think it even gets hot enough to ignite. I have seen propellant start a fire but never a patch. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I have seen smoldering patches but it is usually from not enough lube. My Hawken patches will fray around the edges and scorch in the center but I never had one burn through or smolder.
50 years ago give or take i was along with my older brother when he shot his 1st muzzle loader. We started 2 fires with it that day and of course we thought the patch did it and the fires were 20-30 ft from the muzzle, but perhaps the propellant did it like Pahoo posted??
I have shot lots of muzzle loaders since and never seen it again.
Captain, if you are just plinking try a spit patch.
I do and i can shoot all afternoon (and that will also mean days and days) without needing to swab the bore as the spit patch does double duty.
My biggest problem is having a patch in my mouth triggers a gag reflex most of the time.
And for 4th of July parade i load 70 grains of 3f and a patch and join in the volley with my smoke pole.
Only Black will discharge like this.