Put your knives away


New member
I just went downstairs for a cup of cofee and realized I have about ten razor sharp kitchen knives on the counter. From now on they'll be in the drawer instead since I'd rather not temp a burgler to grab one. Just an idea I thought I'd share. Be safe
Yeah, why make it easy, but -

So, why do you not think they'll not look in the drawers if they're not already armed. Nice thought, but rather inconsequential, IMO. Might better turn your attention to making it harder to get in to begin with -:rolleyes:
Is this a variant of the gun in the shower Psycho scene and thread?

What if you are downstairs and a zombie breaks in and you can't get to your cleaver in time? :eek:
Glenn E. Meyer said:
What if you are downstairs and a zombie breaks in and you can't get to your cleaver in time?

Hand-to-hand combat is not the best concerning zombies. Even if you manage not to get overpowered, you might be bitten. I'd stay at a safe range and plug it with small arms fire until it drops. Then, you know, make sure it doesn't get back up... that happens.... I'm serious.

If you're unlucky enough to get one of those FAST zombies then just empty the magazine as fast as possible... otherwise aim and fire at your own leisure.
This is actually my first post here, so excuse a newbies thoughts on this, but here goes.

1- more than likely if someone breaks into your house, they are already going to be armed so they are not going to be searching for knives in your kitchen.

2- and more importantly, if someone enters your house and they have time to search around, find your kitchen, find your knife block, select a knife from said block to arm themselves, then you have done a horrible, horrible, horrible job of a) making your home a hard enough target to get into that the bad guy passes you by and b) being aware enough of your surroundings that the scumbag actually had the time to search around for a weapon. If you are situationally aware of someone entering your house, you should have plenty of time to arm yourself, call 911 and barricade yourself in your bedroom. Once you do that it doesn't matter if the guy is carrying every knife you own, if he steps through your bedroom door, his butt is yours.

Of course, the situation would change if you had kids or others in the house. I'm lucky in that at night, everything with a pulse in the house is in the bedroom with me. If there is a noise outside the bedroom, something bad is going on.

By the way, this is meant as "you" in general, not "you" specifically.
I forgot to mention...

I wouldn't have a problem dealing with any attacker in my home who would bring a knife to a gunfight.

Shepherd, welcome to TFL. :)
knives! Zombies! Zowie! and domestic violence

LOL. Per the zombies...I'm reminded of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where Arthur meets the black knight who will not let him pass. Arthur takes off an arm. Guy keeps fighting. Arthur takes off the other arm. Guy kicks him. Arthur takesk off a leg. Guy manages one more whack at Arthur, who then takes off the last leg and goes around him on his way, leaving the torso and head to yell, "IT'S ONLY A FLESH WOUND! COME BACK HERE, YOU...."

On a more serious note, putting the knives away isn't really a bad idea. We had a kid in the Houston area last year that killed his mother with a knife he pulled from one of those fancy knife blocks. He was along with her as she cleaned a house (I want to say Shaquille O'Neal's....pretty sure that's right). He got mad at her and in a moment of anger (when an awful lot of domestic violence is done) grabbed the knife and killed her right there in the kitchen. He was 15 or 16, IIRC. If it's out of sight it may stay out of mind. May not, too, but it doesn't hurt to do this.

The threads on this forum don't talk much about domestic violence because, I'm sure, it does not occur to any of you to commit it, and you're probably not too worried about your wives committing it either. But those aren't the only people that come into your house who are allowed to be there but who, in a moment of blind anger or something else, might in fact become violent. I have had this happen, when a family member who shall remain nameless pulled two knives on me. I did not at the time own a gun, primarily because of my fear that said family member would get it and use it on me but also because I was afraid I might have to pull it on him, and I would rather have died. (Please don't flame me for this, I cannot bring myself to go into all the details, just accept that as data for now, OK?) Anyway, the point is, it can happen, it does happen, and like home invasions and robberies and other nasty things, it happens to those people and at those times we'd have never thought possible.

So yeah, put the knives in a drawer. You could even put a lock on the drawer...leave it open most of the time and lock it when you need to.

As always, my highly overinflated $.02, and YMMV.

Well if you have any reason to worry that a loved one, be it a spouse or a child, is going to hurt you with a kitchen knife, it's probably past time to consider the fundamentals of the situation. There are usually warning signs that would allow a person to get away/get help for their spouse, or take their child to a doctor.

Btw, that is a great movie. We should also be careful of flying, killer rabbits. "FOR DEATH AWAITS YOU ALL, WITH NASTY BIG POINTY TEETH..."
If someone breaks into your house to do you bodily harm then yes they are more likely to be armed.But if they are there just to rob the place and stumble onto someone there say your wife or gf. and get the idea of raping them then they will have at their convenience of having a silent weapon handy on your kitchen counter to help themselves to. by hiding them you do make it more difficult for them to keep the element of surprise Because most robbers know the being unarmed means less time to serve if caught
Yeah, keep it in a safe place for reasons that go beyond an intruder. Kids, friends, the dog, etc. can cause bad things with an exposed knife.
I don't think it would matter much. I can usually guess where someone keeps their kitchen knives anyway, and frankly, I don't think that would be a huge priority on the BG's to-do list. I suppose it might help a little bit, but I'm not about to rearrange the entire kitchen just to hide the breadknives. (BTW, they are "hidden" already).
Just an idea guys, take it or leave it. What if he didnt think you were home and panics when he realizes you are? Just putting a thought out there:)