Purse Pistols

Tried to get my girlfriend to like a cute little KelTec P32. Her words: "It feels ok, I just don't think I would want a gun that small after shooting your .45. I want big holes."
Clifford L. Hughes

Dear Lamarw:

Most men want to buy their ladies, ladies guns: meaning guns that lack power, are small, light and difficult for an experienced shooter to shoot accurately. This is opposite of what women need, they need a gun large enough to control effectively. This rules out any pistols smaller than the Smith J frame size. Any of the revolvers or semi auto in this size are good. However, during my twenty years of selling guns, I have found that many women have difficulty racking an auto pistol's slide. As for concealing in a purse, there are purses available that are made specifically for concealing pistols up to Smith's K frame size. The drawback to these purses is that you lose some fashionability I hope that I've you some, let me know.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery Sergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired
Thanks Clifford, but I am not in the market for a purse pistol. LOL

I was just sharing the thread with the Forum. I learned long ago not to attempt to buy another person a gun. Let them buy it for themself. My Wife chose a Beretta Tomcat.

I like Berettas but in larger calibers.

Although my Wife also loves firing my Sig P250 full size .45. There is something about the grip which tends to minimize the recoil.

Years ago she also took my 12 gauge away from me when I bought her a .20 gauge.

As a funny side note - I was headed to Walmart early this week, and my Wife asked me to buy her the cheapest purse I could find. It seems Dillards had a sale where you turn-in a purse and get fifty bucks off a nice Brahmin Ladies purse. I accomplished the mission by buying a bright pink ten dollar purse. I never run into anyone in Walmart I know, but Lord knows I did while I was by myself and had this bright pink purse on the conveyor belt. My complexion turned almost the same shade of bright pink. :eek: