purse carry


New member
I am looking to pick up a spurless wheelgun for my wife, for purse carry. Looking for a hammerless/spurless design in .357 mag to prevent snagging all the crap in her purse. Can anyone throw some feedback my way on any recommendations, especially those that are good value for the buck. Thanks.
Should never be loose in purse. Dedicated compartment or holster. Too easy to get junk inside, nuthin like tryin to shoot with stub pencil in bore. Likely won't get second shot. Purses available with cable in straps and dedicated compartments.

I have found the darndest collection of strange things in the revolvers and autoloaders that were purse carried.

Used S&W hammerless good way to go.

Sam....never humble, sometimes right.
Wife carries S&W M38 Airweight Bodyguard in holster-purse (leather, nice, around $100 or so).

38 Special, all you need. Retains single-action capability.
My Wife carries a Taurus Mdl 85 SS Sunbbie .38spl. It is hammerless ,or more correct it is bobbed,meaning the hammer is flush with the frame but it does become visible when shooting,the idea of hammerless is so the the gun can be drawn without catching on things if she purse carries. My wife uses a CCW belly bag we got from http://www.gungear.com this company is run by two women and they have alot of knowledge about Conceled weapons.
Thanks for the feedback, gang. I agree that 38 Special should be sufficient. I think that if she practices with the magnum loads, she might possibility have the obligatory anxiety/flinch associated with the recoil. I was hoping to avoid the products of that sleazer Smith & Wesson...Taurus is looking good.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 6:23
While I appreciate the special problems women have in concealing I am never happy with the idea of purse carry. More opportunities for the bad guys to acquire a gun as well as one's valuables in a purse snatch. Also, acquisition of the gun has got to be slow in comparison to hip carry. For the actual revolver itself my reccomendation is a USED Smith 640 loaded with 158gr LSWCHP bullets, the old FBI load. This is easier to shoot than a 357 load.