Purse Carry - Holster Options


New member
I wasn't sure where to ask this, but here goes. Recently purchased wife a Ruger LCR, she has a purse that has a built in pocket for a gun (I believe its a guntotenmamas brand, I don't remember) and this cheap flimsy holster velcro-ed in that came with it. She been carrying for a couple years, but its been her Kahr CW9 in condition 3. The holster fits it, theres just no retention holding it in so it ends up sliding around in that pocket (Nothing in that pocket other than holster and gun though).

Any ideas on what type of inexpensive holster I could get and modify with velcro that would take a firm tug to draw?

Teach her to keep it on her person. Much more secure that way. She could easily get her purse snatched, she is then unarmed and a perp has a gun.
Teach her to keep it on her person.

That is the ideal, but also an easy thing for guys to say. My wife carries on her body when she can, but in some situations, in some attire, purse carry is her only choice. FWIW to the OP, my wife uses a Remora in her purse and it stays oriented fairly well. I don't know if she just stumbled on the perfect texture of the purse lining for that to work, or not, but Remora holsters are quite inexpensive and versatile.
The purse is the target of thieves....Your personal identification, your cell phone, your credit cards and your personal items that tell a lot about you. It's not a good option. Neither is leaving it in your vehicle that is another targeted item where you could lose your vehicle and your gun.

There are several options for quick access through comfortable expandable body pockets for LCP's and the like.
Having a wife who carries but doesn't post in forums, I can tell you the following. No, purse carry is not ideal versus some other methods we might be used to. However, for those who don't know, women's clothing can be absolutely baffling. Aside from form-fitting designs with unusual contours, there are all kinds of fun surprises like fake or practically non-functional pockets. Women also have all these curves on their bodies. These curves change slightly throughout the month all on their own. This can pose serious challenges to what we'd consider "normal carry".

If that's not enough of a challenge, remember that women can miraculously make babies in their bellies. This entails radical changes and not just to the belly area. Some of those changes have permanent echoes. There are also special garments for this time, like "pregnancy pants", that smoothly transition from denim to something like spandex at the waist line.

So, there are all sorts of options for all sorts of circumstances. These options have to be found, purchased, fit (as in not relegated to the holster graveyard that we all know), and made ready for any of a wide variety of these circumstances. This is something that can and reasonably should be pursued. In the meantime though, most women can pull off purse carry in most of those situations with one decent set-up. Remember that the gun that's easy to carry is the gun that gets carried, and having that gun carried is the most important thing for protecting the most important person in your life.
Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, ideally carrying it on her person would be best, but not always feasible. (Work place, Uniform/Attire, ect.)

Picked up a Remora on sale and Kydex holster.