Pure clean plumbers lead

David Bachelder

New member
Stopped into a plumbing supply house in Huntsville, Coburns. They sell 5 lb lead ignots for $4.25 each. Thats .85 cents a pound. Pretty cheep huh and no shipping.

This is pure lead. You would still need tin and antimony, depending on what you're casting.
If you're a blackpowder shooter, you just hit the metaphorical gold mine. Pure lead is a lot harder to find than alloys.
Cornbush is a plumber, and has gotten some for me in the past.

It's good stuff.

For a while, the local supply house was selling the 25 lb "chains" of 5 lb ingots at $0.60 / lb, certified. Like a bunch of idiots, we procrastinated and missed our chance. Now, the lowest price within 60 miles is $2.50 / lb for the same ingots/chains! :eek:
Thanks for the heads up. I NEED some and have a coworker who lives right in that area. I might have to sweet talk him into picking me up a few bars.
Well, I didn't find any pure that was new and perfectly clean.... but I did stop at the scrapyard this morning and he has about a train car full of pipes, flanges, drains and roof flashing all piled up out back by the fence and he'll retail any of it for .65/lb :)
I guess I'm gonna start smelting! 'Gotta learn sometime I suppose. ;)
Hey Beagle333 watch the pipe joints ,some have hi tin content ,some ole timer plumbers realized the wiping lead melted at lower temps & "froze" faster
thus making it easier to work joints.;)

So ifin I was on a pile of pipes I`d pry the joints loose if I could first .