Purchasing via the internet


New member
I am considering purchasing a pistol from an individual I met over the internet. Any suggestions on how to make sure I do not get screwed? Any help would be greatly appreciated?

Give me liberty or give me death !!

Stay alive, shoot a .45 !!
Greetings Glocks&Sig's; Best advice, deal
with ONLY reputable person's; be it dealer
or individual. Require at least a 3 day
inspection period; with a FULL REFUND if
you are not completely satisfied with the
purchase. Handle ALL transactions through
a FFL dealer; that way you have a paper
trail for YOUR protection. I have made one
purchase of a handgun via the internet and
I was completely satisfied. The gun was
listed as 98% NRA excellent; when it was
received, it graded slightly better than

Best Wishes,

Ala Dan
I've never had a problem with private sales over the net. I've bought two guns this way, and was 100% satisfied both times. Best thing to do is ask for references and pay in certified funds (postal money orders work best).

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I am currently in the process of negotiating with a potential buyer of a handgun I am selling. Actually he has committed to buy it, but the terms of the deal are not finalized. The buyer wants the funds to be sent directly to the FFL and a three day refund if he not satisfied. I don't have a problem with this, but I will initially have to pay shipping and transfer on my end to send it to the buyer. This will cost about $50 and I may have to pay an additional $20 if the buyer does not want it. This is an unlikely scenario. Does anyone have any suggestions for a refund. Thanks for any advice.
If the buyer wants a refund, then IMHO he should be the one who pays for return shipping.

Also, I suggest using certified mail to send funds. It's a way to avoid the "Where's the money?/I sent it already!" problem.
I've bought two pistols over the net, one from an individual and one from a dealer. Both went very well and I was totally satisfied.
Ala Dan has some good guidlines to use.
Good luck.
Most of the ffl dealers I spoke to said that
it's not worth the trouble. It's the 5 percents of the trouble makers are causing
the 95 percents of the problems, and I would
not want to be the unlucky one. There are
too many things can go wrong. I would just
deal with the reputable dealers and/or distributors to be safe. The deal seems like too good to be true, and it is.
i've had several handguns i recently bought through the internet go extrememly well. most have been through a dealer with an FFL but one has been through an individual where we used our own FFLs on both sides. i live in Canada and to find some of the guns i want for my 10mm collection, i need to buy them in the USA. so far so good, but do use an FFL as i feel this will minimize problems. the extra $$$ u lay down for their time is well worth the peace of mind. oh, and be sure to get a phone number so u can keep in regular contact with the buyer or seller...i used email for my Delta Elite enhanced SS and only used email...that was a bit frustrating.


<A HREF="http://"http://marina.fortunecity.com/harbour/347/10mm.html"" TARGET=_blank>my 10mm page</A>
Thanks for all your replies. They have been very helpful!!

Give me liberty or give me death !!

Stay alive, shoot a .45 !!
To stay legal, you need to hold FFL (unless you're in the same state, I think). To cover your butt from a scammer, there is no adequate way to ensure not getting screwed that I can think of, short of either:

1. Getting the gun first, or
2. Paying by regular check, NOT certified funds, contrary to above advice. Then get an oral/written promise/assurance from the seller that the gun is sent the same day as you send the check. Then, if you don't receive the gun within 3-5 days, stop payment on the check. If you do receive the gun, but it's a lemon, stop payment on the check, then send it back when the seller sends you shipping costs plus $20 for the stop payment.