Purchasing a used Ruger at a gun show - what should I look for?

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Moderator Emeritus
I will be going to the Medina Gun Show this weekend here in Ohio and am in the market for a Ruger handgun, specifically a P90 (.45 ACP) or a P94 (.40 S&W). I have two questions related to this possible purchase.

1. What should I look for as far as wear & tear on the gun prior to purchasing. Is there anything I should watch out for that may tip me off that the gun may not be in good condition

2. I know that these guns sell for around $325-$400 new in my area. How much should I pay for a used one in good condition.

I got quite a bit of info from the sigman's post about how to buy at a gunshow. What I am more interested in is how to discern a gun's overall condition easily. (If there is an easy way!)

Thanks to all.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Only a suggestion...

I. Overall:

1. Disassembles without any tools. Check to ensure that the slide stop may be moved from the locked postion to the disassembly position with finger pressure only.

2. External finish. Pits, cracks or dents.

3. Feed Ramp - reject unpolished or rough feed ramp. Look for signs of burrs, cracks, sharp edges on chamber edges or feed ramp.

4. Muzzle Crown. Dents, scratches or off center?

5. Link Pin - protrusion of link pin from either side of the barrel.

6. Link - should not bind when rotated, no burrs and not inserted upside down.

7. Rifling - no pits or cracks.

II. Magazines:

1. Floorplate must be snug with no excessive side to side movement. Check for missing spring seat.

2. Check body for dents, cracks or rust (you can clean up the rust yourself and bargain the price down).

III. Guide Rod & Spring:

1. Check spring for bends or kinks

2. Check rod for looseness or bends

IV. Slide:

1. With barrel removed, push firing pin. Should not protrude into breechface unless firing pin block is actuated. Repeat with firing pin block actuated (you can use a 1/8" brass rod for this). Also check to ensure firing pinblock snaps back to position of rest when pressure is relieved.

2. Safety. When Safety is on, depress the firing pin block acutator. Firing pin should not protrude from breechface. Also check to ensure that both safety levers move simultaneously. Safety should also be held in position by spring loaded detents (should not swing freely of its own accord).

3. Extractor. Use 1/8" brass pin punch and push extractor .100" and release. It should return immediately to its position of rest. If it doesn't, new extractor spring is required. Also inspect for burrs.

4. Sights - mutilated or deformed? Loose?

V. Frame

1. Finish - reject if cracks, deformed slot screws.

2. Sear & Blocker Lever Spring Tension: With ejector in upright position, use 1/8" punch to rotate sear and blocker lever against their springs. You're checking for binding, failure of both to return to their positions of rest, and inadequate spring resistance.

3. Ejector. Manually push ejector down 1/4" from its position of rest. It should snap back.

VI. Function Check :

Well, dig out the function check thread I wrote months ago on the Sig P220. Adapt for Ruger.

Bring snap caps and show dealer and ask for permission before you do any of these inspections. If he is confident of his product, he shouldn't object.

Good Luck and Good Shopping!


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If you don't find what you're looking for in Medina try the Berea Gun Show a couple of weeks from now. About twice the size of Medina (in three buildings). Almost all of the dealers in Medina go to the Berea GS also.

- Ron V.

Yep, this week is Medina.
Sandstone fur has good deals on ammo too if you catch their booth.

Hunters Lodge in Tallmadge sent me a flyer listing new KP90 for $379.00 FWIW.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited October 08, 1999).]
What should you look for?

An HK...

or a Sig...

or a Glock...


I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

Thanks for the advice.
I'll be picking up an HK this weekend as soon as I receive the $400 from you via Western Union. :)

Ruger=best bang for the buck!


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale

How does that old Coke commercial song go?

You remember it... Lets all sing it together!

"If I could give the world a Koch..."


I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
I don't know if we should use "Koch" as the abbreviation for HK. People might think you are meaning something else if you sing it out loud and your likely to get some funny looks. Saw a nice Compact 40 on the hip of someone the other day at McDonalds... very nice. I had to assume he was a LEO.
I'll stick with "Hekler" or "HK"

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