Purchase firearms online--just how easy is it?

Nah, it's really trivial to buy guns on line. I've done it several times. Just have the guns shipped to an FFL holder, do the paper work, pay the fees, wait 10 days (California), and violà!

Yes, it's easy to buy firearms legally on the internet--but very, very hard to do so illegally. That's the point of the article and the topic.
Oh yeah, buying all kinds of arms online is a piece of cake. Yes, I remember the time I almost bought an M1A1 Abrams tank, including tactical nukes. Unfortunately I maxed out my MasterCard and that blew the whole deal ... ;)

Charles Schumer is a lying fascist. Visit his web site, and peruse his biography. You too can read how "he passed the Assault Weapons Ban, which outlawed 19 automatic weapons whose sole purpose was to kill.". I sent an email to the bozo pointing out this 'minor' error, including an explanation of the NFA of 1934. It's still there - I just checked his biography, and you can too at http://www.senate.gov/~schumer/html/biography.html . Look in the sixth paragraph. Schumer is a lying pig.

Idiots like this will continue to run wild until their constituents force them to either come clean or hit the road.