Pup gets his orders


New member
Air Assualt School at Fort Campbell, Kentucky ... followed by a posting to the 101st Airborne Division. I'm an 11C with 11B as a secondary MOS ... in other words, a "mortar maggot." I was seriously thinking of going 13R and artillery just like LASur5er, but this will do I guess.

Thanks for the advice, everyone. And don't worry about the Article 15 - I got a summarized Article 15. No loss in rank, no pay deduction, extra duty for 7 days, no restrictions. The cadre know me as a quiet soul and cut me a massive break. They put the guy who was harrassing me in a hurt locker after I sent him to the hospital. I mean he HAD to be a real dirtbag for me to strike him down, is the general consensus. He's shaped up now, and most of the racists in the training company have eased off.

Thank you for the words of encouragement. I am not a PT stud, nor the greatest shot with a rifle, to be honest. I have quite a ways to go. I came in with just devotion and sincerity. It's paid off in undeniable ways. If I didn't have certain friends with me through this stage of my life, I'd have hurt forever and been scarred by BCT and AIT. It's not what I heard it would be. The Army's gone downhill - or is it the youth this society produces?

Anyways, my pass ends in 40 minutes ... everyone please take care. LASur5er, if you can leave me a snail mail address at Viceroy808@hotmail.com I'll write, ok? Please take care everyone ... "Airborne" :D
Keep the faith, pup, it will be what you make of it. I entered in September of 1970. We had junkies AWOL the first night then, too, @$$holes of all persuasions, and many of the same challenges. I was a candy-assed white suburban college boy, and they had some funr with me for a few day till I figured it out. it was an interesting experience, given that the average educationof the trainees was 13 1/2 yrs (i.e. some college), vs. the cadre, who averaged a bit over 9 yrs (that's right, not even high school grads), talk about culture clash - I was among the first of the lottery soldiers, the draft was almost gone, but soldiering has always been 'challenging' work. It's another kind of liberal education that will serve you all your life if you let it. Good luck to you. M2

"you did fine, Viceroy...you did what I expected and I am proud of you.
You up held the honor of us old time kanakas ....you went "Go For Broke." You stay in that special club now.
At the same time, you show the steel that you made of. You get numbah one steel inside, bruddah., now all you got to do is temper that steel inside.

Sorry, I didn't write, was up in Seattle to work with their earthquake inspectors. Write when you can, brah.
I congratulate any man that enters our Armed Forces, especially the ARMY!! Whatever ya do man, NOT 13B, unless ya love to go to the field. I loved it when I was young, then I got a family and decided I like to visit the woods, not live in em! After 9 years they offered me a medical out with disability..needless to say I took off!.lol

I personally think that if you want to be an American, you have to spend at least 2 years in the services as your mandatory obligation.


Good luck!!!!! I went in when I was 32 years old.

It is all what you make of it for the most part. Dummies abound!
It is much better after unit assignment. I arrived at my unit after reception/replacement battalion at about 6 pm on a Wednesday. Thursday was a family and organization day. My first full day in the unit and I was at a party throwing horseshoes and eating and drinking to my hearts content!!!
Lots different from basic osut training.

I liked the free bullets!!!!
Not too proud

Dummies do abound ... but the average recruit is much, much, more of a neanderthal than the cadre. The cadre is rather educated now, surprisingly. The recruits are for the most part in my training battalion, from the lowest dregs. I see most of them being chaptered out asap.

I'm not too proud of myself. I'm not going Ranger, just Air Assualt for now ... 15 mile and 25 mile march tore me up. Won't make it on the 3 mile run this Monday. I wish I could have gone National Guard back in Hawaii (wish I could have gone 442nd back in the day ... born too late) and really gone for broke ... I will, asap. I'm tired of the racists trying to provoke fights with me, I'm tired of the kids who think they're first class soldiers and behave like cheap thugs. This is not what I expected out of the United States Army.

I still have Mortar school and Air Assualt school ... playing a wait and see approach. I wish there was more I could do ... between getting smoked and doing details, I'm getting 4 hours of sleep a day for the last week ... sorry for not writing. I'm taking time out of a PX run to type this ... well everyone take care, Happy Easter to you all.
Being currently assigned to Benning and a graduate of the 101st ABN (AASLT) Air Assault school I'd sure like to know what happened.