Pup back for news


New member
Aloha everyone;

This is the 2nd to last time before I ship out to Fort Benning that I get to cruise cyberspace. I will be back Thu 21 Dec 00 for one last check and that's it. Needless to say I missed being here at TFL. Still catching up on the strange new posts et al but somehow managing.

Thank you for the advice ... I'm a starting E-4 (Corporal) because of citizenship snags, but I'll make the age requirement for OCS. It'll be good to start as enlisted :)

On a sidenote, I did find out that the INS has swarms of venal, impertinent, rather terminally STUPID people ignorant of their own regulations or codes of civilized behavior. I never saw this during the Reagan years. I have come to the proper and inalienable conclusion that this lackadasial attitude and total professional incompetence is a result of the Clinton regime. I could quote a number of Chinese scholars on how the failings of leadership lead to moral rot throughout the Empire, but I will pass. Suffice to say, that the way they treated Elian Gonzalez already makes them dishonorable and fit for disbandment. In any self-respecting culture, most of our civil servants would have taken their lives out of shame. Never mind that wet leaf on a heel (Japanese expression for "persistent pain in the ass") half-president who has been overdue for an eviction.

It will be GREAT to serve under a REAL President. :D

Ok most of that belonged to General Discussion ... excuse me while I collect my thoughts ... oya Military Service.

I did a bit of research about Airborne/Ranger school over the past few weeks ...

Sleep deprivation? No problem. I was in a NASA/Harvard Medical School study last year that kept me 49 days in a room with no clocks, windows, or time cues. They rigged my wake/sleep cycle to induce serious discomfort ... to understate it by miles. I was the last of 6 test subjects in that particular study before it ended. Yeah I think sleep deprivation won't be much of a problem. I'll tell this story some other time.

Food deprivation? No problem. Living on one meal a day under conditions of strenuous activity? Lived as a runaway for weeks on end. I'll eat gravel if I have to (too bad I don't have a gizzard to store it in) ... I think this won't be too hard.

Heat exhaustion from the temperature at Fort Benning? I'm from Hawaii. It'll be GOOD to get away from this Midwest snow. I think people are crazy in Chicago. Four out of five major street gangs in the nation are represented here. Something is wrongp with this place. The cold exacerbates it.

Quitting? I don't think so. I already have no family, and if I quit it's ends right there. The only alternative is death. I prefer an honorable death. Washing out in training is unspeakable. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. I'm too damn hungry for that to come about.

I actually think I asked a stupid question: "Should I serve in the 75th Ranger Regiment?" Of course I'd serve. I must have been nuts to ask. I'd have to give up being in Hawaii but what was I thinking? The honor of it! As if it were actually an option to treat it as a non-choice. Sorry everyone.

I need to ask a few questions if that's ok?

(1) What can I expect at Fort Benning? I don't mean Basic. Any good eats around off base? Any special people I should say hi to on behalf of TFL? Lay of the land, please :)

(2) Same for Fort Bragg.

(3) Asides from the added weight, is it worth having either a 40mm grenade launcher or shotgun under an M16A2? Should I beg, wink, and claw my way to possession of an M203 if I can get assigned one? I'm assuming I won't get a SAW. Yes I know about the "The M16 is a POS weapon" threads ... honest answer, please.

There ... I think that's it ... will keep you updated. I'm keeping a log of everything that will happen and posting it in one massive thread once all is done. Cheers everyone ... happy snow days :)

[Edited by Viceroy808 on 12-07-2000 at 09:07 PM]
Thanks are in order

George Hill - I know you are ex-Special Forces. Thank you for your wisdom. You are also the first person I ever responded to in TFL (remember that Japanese sword thread?) and you have a lot of respect from me. God keep you and your family safe.

LASur5er - kyodai, I had no idea you were Catholic too!? Coincidence after coincidence ... well this lil Chao is always going to think when he takes his steps in the Army of you there taking them before me. God keep you and your family safe, I will bring no disgrace to you or the ohana.

Spectre - If I manage to get to a comp at Benning, I'll let you know what happens. I think I'll be a pass for a while; I'm not taking any snail mail or meeting anyone til I fight my way to a Lieutenancy. I think you understand what hunger is, good friend. God keep you well.

Boque - Thank you for the advice. I'll keep it to heart and with me after I board the bus.

The best to you all ... much thank you.

You too hard to get a hold of, bud.
When you get in Los Angeles, drop me a line, you got a place to stay when you in town? You do now.
I take you to all the "safe" places and we can catch up okay.

Meanwhile..."Go For Broke.".....motto for 442nd Divison..also for many of us guys from Hawaii. You one too, bruddah....stay safe.

Aloha, Viceroy 808!
I know I know

Kyodai, I'll drop you a nice email when I get sorted out. No one in TFL will see me til I work through OCS. Then I plan on re-registering under my real name out of pride. Maybe I can even beg for a moderatorship in this forum here since I'll be here all the time :D

Braddah, I remember the 442nd RCT ... always will. How can you forget blood honor like that? If they weren't National Guard now I'd choose them over the 25th LID gladly.

vice·roy (vsroi) n. A man who is the governor of a country, province, or colony, ruling as the representative of a sovereign.

In case you were wondering why I took that screenname instead of a local one:

My Lord, I stand in your place, in this Kingdom; I am ruler of my heart, the one you made from dust and granted me with breath to live. My heart is yours, and your will is mine for all my days.
Dude, don't worry if you wash out of Ranger school - Lots of folks do - They break something, they pull something, get messed up physically, whatever - There's a LOT more the Army can offer... Rangers aren't the only folks...

Don't get me wrong - I don't think you'll wash out. You sound very highly motivated and disciplined. But remember this - basic training, Ranger school, etc., are DESIGNED to break down the sense of person, and make the trainees into parts of a team. This can really mess with some folks. Keep that in mind, okay?

Good luck. If you're flying through St. Louis (Lambert), the USO there is VERY nice. Can't put you up, but would like to treat you to dinner...

[Edited by Bogie on 12-07-2000 at 10:03 PM]
An addition - You may be tempted to be a loner through your training - That IS NOT a good thing. The DIs will notice it, and the folks in your platoon will notice it. Be friendly, and help other people. They'll help you, or, if you don't need the help, you'll at least feel good. The DIs WILL notice stuff like that.

Bogie edit that post with your phone number now - my hotmail is on my profile, and I'll be back here to let you know if I do pass through St Louis.

By the way, I'm no stranger to pain or breaking down. I figure I've got a few advantages over most recruits:

(1) Asian upbringing. Lots of personal discipline. Strong sense of honor and shame. Not present in most of the other people I've seen these days in the United States. Sad.

(2) Extraordinary life experiences. Trust me, just the 49-day experiment (which was really a gulag kind of experience, trust me) almost broke me but didn't. I learned to handle stress and deprivation then.

Thanks for the tips about being a loner. I'm a really sociable person and a good communicator (former high school english teacher) so that shouldn't be too hard. I won't wash out, no worries on that score.

Failure = Death

That's an ingrained response. If that alone doesn't cut me above most of the whining under pressure temptations, then I'm going to have to raise an eyebrow.

BTW - If I go through St Louis I'll pay for the dinner :D Much aloha.
Well, we had a guy in my basic training platoon who was getting back in, and they made him go through basic again (at 35!). He'd been an SF combat medic - He basically kept us patched together better than the military docs could have... Taught a buncha folks how to tape ankles, etc... He was highly respected by everyone, including the DIs... He coulda largely slid, but hey...

Hey, with your educational background, you may end up a black hat type... The army needs training cadre (face it - MOST of what you will do throughout your military career will likely be training), and an educational background is a Good Thing.

Southern White Boy Culture: If at first you don't succeed, kick the sumbitch in the 'nads, and try again. Don't get too hung up on being Asian. As of a few weeks from now, you're gonna be GREEN.

Of course, if you get the same Korean DI that I had, you'll also be tinged with hints of red, from all the abrasions and contusions...
Very much looking forward to that :D Thanks a lot Bogie. I owe you a 6-pack for the words of wisdom :D

This is my last post here for the year. Good holidays everyone.


Just had to say that ... sorry. :)

Much aloha to everyone at TFL :D
My own personal opinion is that If I were going into combat with am M16 rifle or an M4 carbine i would rather have the M203 40mm grenade launcher attached than the bare weapon, Good luck!

Hard Ball