Public Radio---No common sense whatsoever… Charlotte shooting

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MN Public Radio (MPR) IMhO reached new levels of silliness today. Regarding the Charlotte shooting of Keith Scott they had a law professor on that commented on the ‘open carry’ law of North Carolina. The big question was should the police have had their guns out approaching Scott.

The professor pontificates that open carry is legal in NC and Scott had a right to have a gun showing. He talks about the officers observing Scott rolling a ‘blunt’ and and gives his opinion about whether the police should have assumed Scott was violent and should they have drawn on him.

The professor points out to situations that might be analogues-
1. The police see someone carrying a gun (again the prof points out this is legal) and the person litters. Do they draw their guns and approach?
2. The police see someone carrying a gun (again the prof points out this is legal) and the person is breaking into a car with a crowbar. Do they draw their guns and approach?

I almost can’t take this level of obtuseness anymore.

IMhO the police drew their guns because Scott had a gun in his hand and they felt the need to protect themselves. Once again, IMhO, this is NOT rocket science.

If anybody doubts MPR’s bias, well, just listen to them sometime.
I stopped listening to them years ago once I discerned their left leaning and desire to give a voice to even the most lunatic fringes of society.
Given the level of uncertainty about the facts in this case, any opinions about it are going to be based on speculation, and we don't do that here; it's not a useful exercise.
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