Public Pig Problems

Al DeMay

Lack of preditors and hunting pressure has resulted in a feral pig problem in Califoria's south bay area. They are destroying a lot of landscaping and generally creating enough damage that it is being published in the local paper.

Califorina's regs allow hunting all year without much of a limit. The property in the problem area is private and hunting as a solution is published in the paper as inhumane or too dangerous in the populated area.

As an avid pig hunter I would love to help alleviate the problem (take advantage of the situation) but I don't know where to get started.

Anyone else encoutered a similar situation that could offer some good advise? I would like to contact property owners that are effected but need a strategy.
I'd say the first thing you need to do is stop voting them into office.

Anti-gun politicians that is.

Seriously -- is there any legal way to hunt them with bow/arrow? This might seem more sporting to the anti-hunting crowd in CA and more acceptable to a land owner. Or you may want to approach the city council and propose an archery season as an effort to bring down the population if it's a problem.

Realistically (meaning it has no chance of flying in CA), handguns, blackpowder or shotguns would have less range and be safer than a rifle in a semi-urban setting and may be worthwhile for a special hunt.
Easier said than done. The grabbers, liberals, have districts outlined in their favor in every major metro area. Check the blue red map for that last election. Its pretty revealing. I would be out of here except for elderly family.
As far as the property owners go, "Let them eat cake." Sooner or later, they'll decide to pay some "environmentally conscious" outfit some big bucks to trap the hogs. All you have to find out is where they are being released. . . .
I have depravation pig permit for my ranch in Santa Cruz mountains it allows 24 hour shooting or trapping and I made my own (large and heavy) welded wire cage and I test bullet performance on them, very interesting . The problem is I cant give away/eat enough to pursue it and I cant bring my self to shoot anything that is not eaten. Want to test a knife and work hard,skin a 200+lb mud encrusted boar!So I only do about 6 to 8 a year. I know mean ranchers around Monterey co. who hit with jeepsdeliberatly that many a night when they start to herd up on their ranchs. These are russian wild boar stock which got off Hearst and San Carlos ranchs in 30s and 40s.
Hm. Sounds like you need to get with "Hunters For The Hungry" or the like. The meat's really good.

I've been told all my life about how large pigs just have terrible meat, because it's too tough. I myself have never had bad large pig meat. I'll agree that the smaller 80-120 lb shoats might be better eating, but it's not like market farmers don't sell 400+ lb hogs for meat every year, with plenty of takers. This wild meat is actually better, because it's fed better food, and the hog lives better.

Last weekend, a couple of guys and I went hog hunting, and took a 200 lb sow. Nobody else wanted the meat. All I did to take her was give the coup de grace with my Kimber-- 'twas another who initially put her on the ground with a single shot of 12 ga. 3" mag 000 buck (which, at 25 yds, surprisingly yielded a few through-and-through penetrations). But the shooter didn't want the meat. I waited about 2 beats, said,"You SURE you don't want it?" and said "I'll take it." (One has to take these opportunities when one sees them!)

The stew meat is superb. The sausage is excellent. I've not yet put the back straps on the grill, but we will. Yum. ;)


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Al, seems to me that hunting is up to the landowner, not the newspaper. :)

You could always ask permission to build or emplace hog traps. Down in Florida, there are quite a few traps in the swamps. Pens about six by eight in plan; maybe five feet high. Four posts in the ground for corners; solid walls of rough "two by" lumber. An opening about 18" wide and maybe 24" high. The trap door is hinged on the inside and just held up by a stick. A string from the stick goes through a couple of eyes and down to an ear of corn opposite the entrance.

A few ears of corn on the ground; piggy comes in; one of them grabs the "key" ear, and flop! Down comes the door.

:), Art