Public apology

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New member
During my presentation at the Tactical Conference this year, I made a *bad* but absolutely unintentional mistake – I left Lynn Givens’ name out of my speech when I was talking about female role models and trainers! She was in my notes, but … I goofed during the speech. For those who do not know Lynn, she is one of the premier female trainers in the country, and I strongly recommend her work at Rangemaster (and on the road) for anyone who wants to understand more about shooting and self defense. She’s someone I deeply respect, and I’m completely mortified that I erred in this way. For those who heard my speech or heard about it, please accept this as my sincere assurance that I meant no snub of either Lynn or the excellent women on staff at Rangemaster, and that the stumble was completely unintentional.

Kathy Jackson

Thanks, but it's really not. It's the mark of a clumsy person who hurt someone she cares about.

What more could you possibly do in regards to the public aspect, and I bet you've already asked Lynn for her personal forgiveness. I too, think you are showing "class".
It's not uncommon to make mistakes when speaking in public. I wouldn't characterize your error as "clumsy" - but rather as an honest "stumble" (as you put it) in omitting Lynn. Speaking in public is not as easy as many people seem to make it.

Once you became aware of your omission you've sincerely corrected it. You're clearly a woman of honor and class!
Aw c'mon, Kathy, everyone knows it was unintentional.

And unless there's more to it than meets the eye, I'm sure that Lynn knew that from the outset.
Pax- A mistake is only a mistake if it stays uncorrected. You have the nerve to speak in public, That put's you 10 steps ahead of me and a lot of others. Speaking in public is very hard- Take it from a guy that almost got kicked out of school because I could not do it.
Clumsy - maybe
Unintentional - yes
Class act - most definately
Respected - absolutely

Anyone who has done any type of public speaking is going to make a similar mistake. As a firearms instructor there are times when I make a mistake and must correct myself. No human is perfect so don't be so hard on yourself. We all walk down the road and sometimes we stumble. If we fall we get back up, dust ourselves off, and keep going. Now get going.
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