Psychological/Physiological - Knowing the opposition

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Nanuk said it best.

"Psychological deterrence only works on coherent rational people. It does not work on many violent offenders because they do not see things as we do, they do not consider the consequences beyond the moment. They have already sized you up before they decide to act. Sometimes the concealed pistol offers a tactical advantage when it is unexpectedly brought to the party."

Crazy/drug-alcohol impairment adds another dimension as well.

Towards the end of my career something new occurred. The rise of the 'everyone gets a trophy' generation.

Now, there has always been a small segment of society that felt 'entitled.' Mostly this went along with very wealthy parents wielding heavy political power. I doubt that there is an officer alive that hasn't heard the "don't you know who I am/ don't you know who my (insert family relation) is?

EGAT folks are a relatively new phenomenon. It crosses all cultural, racial, economic and social groups.

These folks have somehow gotten the impression that laws and rules are optional and they will not have to suffer the consequences of their actions. Their parents, the schools and even the courts have taught them that there is no recompense for bad actions.

I find the most important tools for all of the above confrontations are:

Eye Contact: Resolve, confidence, fear, looking for an avenue of escape, hate . . . it's a long list.
Body language: change in balance, furtive movement, body tension, feigning weakness . . . again, many signs, whole books are written on this.

Nothing works on everyone (with perhaps the exception of immediate deadly force on a large scale.)

Remember, experienced opponents are assessing you at the same time you are sizing them up.

Things that helped me stay alive during my 34 years on the job.
Have a plan, consider your own escape routes. Look for cover.
Never display/deploy any use of force that you are not willing to carry out if required.

Last two thoughts.

Dad always said, "Never write a check that you can't cash."

"Starting out nice gives you a whole lot longer to get to ugly." My first training officer told me that once.
A rational person is not why we are carrying.
Its irrational to do something (attempt to knife, shoot, club, ect...) to a person that would justify deadly force.
Assume person(s) that take action in which one would be justified to shoot in self defense involves attackers that are irrational, psychotic, drugged or a combo.
It appears that this is an attempt to reopen a discussion that we recently closed. That was not a unilateral decision on my part. Since I was a participant in that previous discussion, I consulted the panel of moderators before acting, to be assured that I wasn't allowing my personal biases to overule objectivity.

Despite a similarity in the subject line between this thread and the previous discussion, I don't see how the OP here in any way relates to or contributes to that discussion.
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