Proud owner


New member
I am now the proud owner of a Taurus M66 .357 Magnum.:) I'll post a picture soon. Thanks for steering me in the right direction.

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Way to Go!

I am happy for you! I cannot think of any firearm which is more fun to shoot than a revolver. If you are a new shooter then hang in there and practice--and practice correctly.
If you don't reload your ammo then now is the perfect time to do so.
I suggest you load 38 wadcutters by the gross. Start at the 7 yd line with unaimed shots. When you can cut the center out of the 2" then you can move on to other distances and shooting positions.
You have choosen the most versatile handgun round that exist.
I am continually learning after 30 years of shooting for a living.
You won't ever reach the end of it all and that is all the more reason to shoot as much as you can.
There is a well of factual information to draw from on this site.

Don Mallard