Proud of my younger brother


New member
This happened a little while ago, and I just heard the story over thanksgiving. I just thought it was funny. He is no longer allowed in the biggest pawn shop in his town. (I won't say where he lives because some of you might know which shop I'm talking about and that wouldn't be fair)

He was there looking at stuff when this guy came in to sell a gun. The man with the gun looked really distraught. According to my brother it was the best looking semi-auto shotgun he had ever seen. Beretta, gold and silver engraving, even the stock had ducks engraved on it. Really nice, really fancy.

The man told the pawn shop guy something to the effect of "My son just died, he was really into hunting. Now I don't know much about guns but I'm selling this to help pay for some of the funeral costs. How much will you give me." The pawn shop dude said $150. (jerk)

This made my brother really mad. He told the guy that he would give him $300 right then. (thats all he had) Then he told him that even at that he would still be getting ripped off. The guy with the beretta left to find out how much his gun was really worth. The pawn shop owner got angry and threw my brother out, and told him never to come back.

This story made me proud to be related. Just thought I would share.
Good for your brother! Hey I can understand a pawn owner has to make a return and the nature of the business kind of thrives on others misfortune, but you can make a living and still retain your soul. Getting 86'd from a pawn shop under those circumstsnces would not be my worst nightmare. :)
Sounds like your brother is a great guy, not many people would have done that.

I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
One can only imagine how many people are ripped off in situations like this, where there is not person of good conscience there to speak up.
Your brother did the right and decent thing.

[This message has been edited by Phillip (edited December 06, 1999).]
Good for him! That Pawn Shop Dealer was looking at a miminal return of $10 for every $1 he spent.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt