proud dad of a successful hunter


New member
My 10 year olds first deer.

We hunted hard all weekend only going back to the truck for about 2 hours to eat then back out in the woods. The first day of kentuckys youth season was a bust for us, we didnt even see a deer. On the second morning we saw 3 does but they winded us before comming out of the thicket.

The final afternoon i took my boy to a CRP field that was cut on the edges. We got set up and waited. At about 7:15 (about 30min of light left) a deer steps foot in the cut edge. I tap my boy and get the rangefinder on it. 213yrds, i tell him where to aim and he touches off the 7mm-08. I watched the deer kick, tuck tail and run back in the woods.

My boy made a perfect shot behind the shoulder and exiting infront of the off shoulder, taking out both heart and lungs. I couldnt be more proud.:)
A day not easily forgotten !!!

Fantastic and he earned every bit of this deer. This is always a great moment, in a young hunter's life. Make sure he takes part, in the cleaning as it too will enhance the day. ..... ;)

By the way, I was 20yrs. old when I took my first deer and it was a doe. .... :eek:

Be Safe !!!
Coongratulations and job well done!

Congratulations to your son and job well done to you both. Him for sticking it out and making the shot; you for teaching him not everything in life is instantly gratifying. That goes a long way these days. I wish you both many memories just like this one.
Congratulations to you for taking your son and teaching him well; congratulations to your son for making a great shot and his first deer from a successful hunt.
You now have memories that will last a lifetime.

I was fortunate enough to be with my brother, my son and my oldest grandson when they all shot their first deer.
Those are memories I cherish dearly.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Its not easy staying patient til the last light of the last night! Glad it paid off for you and the boy! Your son will always appreciate your guidance...
Dandy buck came out for the young lads first. First buck always deserves a horn mount for the wall. Looks like you have a life long hunting companion there riverratt. Way-too-go!! fellows. :)