Protesting by standing on your principles


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Come November when you go to the polls you need to remember two numbers. 5 and 4. That was the decision today. This is a long way from over and many have expressed disappointment in the decision and how far it went. New lawsuits have already been filed and don't expect them to be heard any time soon. In fact by the time they are heard there will probably be new faces on the court. Just remember 5-4 and who you want making the decision on who the 5 and 4 are. Do you want to protest at the ballot box and allow Obama to make that decision? Do you want to swallow your pride and possibly let McCain make the decision. Do you want to just stand aside and let someone else make the decision while you bitch about the field of cantidates.

Your decision but just remember 5-4 is not a slam dunk and it could have easily been 4-5.
5-4... I was one of those who said a SCOTUS case at this time was risky because there was a good chance of loosing big (the NRA's original position as well). 5-4 is a victory, and I am thrilled, but it was damn close. Anybody care to wager what O'Connor would have ruled if she were on the bench?

I have big issues with McCain but do I want Obama, who is out there supporting Daley of Chicago and his ban, choosing new justices. FOUR justices decided that the Bill of Rights applies to states, not people. Think about that. ONE more and we would have been sunk.

Scalia openly invited cases challenging different regulations. Any bans, regulations of a class of weapon or restrictions imposed arbitrarily and capriciously are fair game. When one of those makes it to the SCOTUS (and it will not be another 80 years, look for something in the next 5) what do you want the court to look like?
The issue is not as clear cut as you imply...who nominated two of the four dissenting judges in yesterday's Heller decision? Souter (Bush 41) ; Stevens (Gerald Ford).

If McCain wins, chances are he will preside over a Democrat majority in both houses of congress. Maybe even veto-proof. Will ultimate pragmatist and famed "aisle crosser" President McCain have the will or ability to successfully nominate another Roberts or Alito? Doubt it.

Other issues cannot be ignored. One may argue that a strong third party or "none of the above" protest vote could send the strongest message for reform of federal politics. Which may be the launching pad for departure from the "lesser of two evils" choice constantly served up by the current milieu.
Looking at the ages of the Justices:

Stevens = 88
Ginsburg = 75
Scalia = 72
Kennedy = 72
Souter = 71
Breyer = 70
Thomas = 60
Roberts = 53
Alito = 50

There's no doubt that at least 3-4 of the Justices will retire in the next 8 years.

I'd rather not give Obama the chance to maintain 4 of the seats for leftists.
Most of these follow up cases won't need to go all the way to the Supreme Court. On the other hand, the President does nominate the lower federal judges as well. On the plus side, most likely the next Supreme Court Justice to retire or die would be from the left wing of the court.
The issue is not as clear cut as you imply...who nominated two of the four dissenting judges in yesterday's Heller decision? Souter (Bush 41) ; Stevens (Gerald Ford).

And who nominated the other two...

Of justices appointed by Republicans we have five out of seven who voted to uphold the COTUS. (71%)

Of justices appointed by Democrats we have zero out of two who voted to uphold the COTUS. (0%)

The two Dem nominated justices who voted to eliminate the 2A were nominated by a Dem trying to appear a moderate. The Dem running for office now is an outright liberal who openly supports the "living document" mantra of those pursuing judicial activism. He will likely have no opposition in Congress.

I have issues with McCain but even as left leaning as he is the historical odds alone when compared to the disloyal opposition, and the current one in particular, justify taking some bitter medicine in order to stop the unopposed appointment of Obama justices to the SCOTUS and Federal benches.
Just like with Harriet Myers, it will be up to US to vet a McCain nominee and make a stink if we don't like it. An ObamaNation would just ignore us and nominate and confirm his favorite Marxist anti-gunner.
Barring some act of God or idiot either McCain or Obama wil be the next president. I don't care for either one but I will take my chances with McCain over Obama. You are free to vote however you want to but remember that if a cause is worth dying for it is also worth living for.