Protective Clothing

Big Shrek

New member
Expensive, but in some cases...worth it...

He's made a fortune making protective high-style clothing in Columbia...
a smart and well-off person would definitely want to get proper attire from him.

Would you rather pay for an extra health insurance violent crime rider, or buy nice clothing?

Beats the heck out of Armani ;)
The only concern I would have is they seem to have an odd understanding of the differences in threat level(I suspect the marketing dept flubbed the website). Last time I checked an mp5 is not a "high powered assault rifle", as it chambered in handgun rounds. But definitely a neat idea, although I would be interested in seeing how they actually incorporate level III or IV protection into "everyday" clothing. It seems odd that all the products I looked at, even on their traditional tactical vests, they list the protection levels as low medium and high, not actual NIJ levels. Leaves me wondering how much testing they've actually done to verify how much protection the products provide, at the very least what their true protection levels are.
Go by bullet diameter, weight and velocity, to figure what your threat level handles.

Any threat level categorizations that are not NIJ are dangerous to go by IMO.

Maybe one exception to this would be in the U.K. Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB – formerly the Police Scientific Development Branch (PSDB))

But in both cases the levels equate to stopping a certain size and weight projectile at a specified velocity.
Leaves me wondering how much testing they've actually done to verify how much protection the products provide, at the very least what their true protection levels are.

Actually, they have done a lot of testing with their materials. As for not stating their products in NIJ standards, I would bet some comparison between High, Medium, and Low and NIJ standards will be provided when the site is finished.

With that said, Medium sounds like it is as good as or better than IIa and maybe as good as II. That is decent protection.
Anywhere near any of BATFE's operations like Fast & Furious, Wide Receiver, etc... would be a nice place to have these to throw on...
Considering that the Iranians don't mind killing "up to 100 other people" in their attempts to assasinate diplomats in the U.S. who don't agree with them, Washington D.C. and N.Y. - near the U.N. Building would also be a nice place to wear these...
I am still wondering how much damage a person is going to take getting shot while wearing on of those when they dont have trauma plates. Dont get me wrong, i mean i am sure it is better than nothing but still...i would have to see it tested before i got any.
As stated in warranty does not protect against ammo at 1450 velocity or higher or against knives or ice picks.
The medium level protects against sub machine guns such as mini Uzis.
Mini Uzi, a 9mm submachinegun with a 7 3/4" barrel.

the high level protects against high powered assault rifles and machine guns like the MP5.
MP5, a 9mm submachinegun with a 8.9" barrel.

Seems it's that last inch or so of barrel that turns a 9mm subgun into a "high powered assault rifle and/or machine gun". :rolleyes: