Prosecutor Murdered with Gun on Island Where Only the Police have Guns


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Paradoxically, that passion may also be what led to her untimely death. On Oct. 14, the Wisconsin native, 33, was killed as she was out on a run with her dog. This week, authorities in the Federated States of Micronesia announced they have charged two suspects in her the killing. The grisly incident has rattled the community of 12,000 people, where crime rates are low and only police can carry guns.

I would expect crime to be low in a small community of 12K people. Not non-existent but low.

A fascinating mix of state and non-state actors are suspects.
They should probably say either "only the police can legally carry guns" or only the police and criminals can carry guns".
The article specifically noted that guns were brought in illegally via shipping, so obviously, it is not only the police that have guns. The article never claimed such. It said the island had banned guns.
At one point, Bergeron’s colleagues left Micronesia and she became the acting attorney general for Yap State. A family friend, Amos Collins, told ABC News he thought Bergeron had the “most dangerous job” on the island.
Articles at the time of her death made this same point -- she had the most dangerous job on the island. You wouldn't think anything could be so dangerous in a place with a population no bigger than a small New England village, but there it is.

And she was planning to leave at the end of the year anyway. Dumb crooks -- why didn't they just wait for her to leave?
I do wonder. In many states DA's and Prosecutors are considered LEO's with arrest powers and allowed to carry firearms. Was that the case here or did she go unarmed?
then how did they get the guns, if they are banned I mean?

Smuggling. From the link:

The Small Arms Survey, a Swiss nonprofit, estimates that there are 700 guns total in Yap, according to the Associated Press, while Ganngiyan said that those come in illegally through ships and are then passed onto civilians.
The article itself was fascinating. The history of law on that island must be tremendously interesting. This seems like an extraordinary young woman and it's sad to hear of her misfortune.

The article mentions her wanting a weapon amd choosing a machete- unlikely she had access to a firearm. We can only speculate as to her stance on firearm legality but she didn't deserve this either way, and it's a shame she didn't have the opportunity and/or inclination to have a firearm.

This is a reminder that while the police may catch the bad guys, when seconds count they're only a few minutes away. We all deserve the right to defend ourselves.
Without the smiley faces :rolleyes: :D :eek: etc, sarcasm doesn't show well on the forum. Please do use them or (sarcasm intentional) or something like that so people don't think you are serious, when you aren't.

Anyone who seriously believes that only the police have guns, even in places where only the police are allowed to have guns, is deluding themselves.
Of course there is no such thing as only the police having guns anywhere on the planet. If any real gun owner missed that I am not sure what to say.

The police are definitely among the suspects in this case however.
Disarmed victims are easier to kill. Guns are smuggled in; just like here. There was an SFPD officer killed by a gangbanger who used an AK-47 - not a semiautomatic lookalike but military grade select fire automatic small arm. So much for CA ban on semi-autos (and autos).