Pros and Cons of (Slightly) Extended Magazines


What are the pros and cons of stuff like +2 baseplates and magazines that extend below the grip maybe an inch or two? I'm not talking about full blown 30 round SMG mags such as the Glock 33 round Happy Stick, but more along the lines of the 20 round Beretta 92 mags?

For a home defense pistol, why not? I can understand an SMG style super extended mag being a liability, the attacker could grab that long mag and use it to disarm you or something. But what about the mags that stick down maybe an inch or two at the most but extend your magazine by several rounds?

Obviously even these are impractical for CCW use, they would print like mad and make carrying spare mags trickier. But for home defense? Why WOULDN'T you use one of these slightly extended mags?

For me it depends on the pistol. An extra round or two in a small pistol is ok with me, but extended mags change the feel and balance too much in most guns. I do have a few that only get used at the range. For defensive duty I will stick with what I carry on a daily basis, although I do keep an extended mag at hand for home defense, just in case...
The only potential downside, to me, is whether or not the reliability of function is altered. I have several +1 and +2 extensions for G26 magazines and they have all continued to function flawlessly. That might not be the case in every situation, though. Reliability testing should, obviously, be performed after any alteration.
I use 7 round mags in my 1911 for EDC and 10 round ones at the range & club shoots. I don't really notice it too much, but then again, a full sized 1911 is a large heavy pistol. I would imagine it would be more noticeable with a smaller and/or lighter firearm.
They hang up on clothing when carrying concealed.

If not carrying concealed and used in such games as USPSA, they would be handier then heck since its more about time then shooting. If if saves a mag change, it saves time.
For home defense, my opinion is similar to jmhyer. Not all of the extended mags have proved to be reliable, but if you use it enough to be satisfied with its function, I don't see a downside.

Carry is another issue due to printing, but carrying extended backup mags is not rare at all. My most commonly carried pistol is a G26, and my pocket mag is a 12-round (factory, and well proven). Carrying a 15-round G19 backup mag for a G26 has also been done.

I see no downside to either practice as long as good function is established.
The Beretta 21 round mag was originally made for the Beretta 93R, if I remember correctly. ;) The only "extended" mag I would use is the 14 rounder for the CZ 2075 RAMI as the 10 rounder doesn't give me enough purchase to hang on to the dinky thing. :)
For HD an extended mag isn't a terrible idea as you are going in to a situation minus whatever extra stuff you normally carry on your belt, spare mags included. I can't fit a spare mag on my pajamas and sleep comfortably. :) So, you "run with what you brung", and while the norm is still 1-3 shots fired, I like to have options, and in these days of multiple assailant home invasions, I like a LOT of options.
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If they work ergonomically and mechanically, why not as car or home guns? But whats the point of adding three more to sixteen rounds or two more to six? If these concerns are present, wouldn't a huge rubber band and extra magazine be even better in the home?
A gen 4 Glock 19 has 16 rounds up! But the spare mag on the left side, next to my Surefire light, is a G17 full of NATO Subgun hard ball.

The Gen 4 fits my hand like it was designed for my hands! In IDPA I use G17 magazines still only can have 10 round capacity, but the G19 factory rounds pinch my hand, on mag changes. The whole concept of CCW is Concealed? So no extra couple of rounds, and the possibility of malfunctions, in my future.
pro being the extra ammo.. con being the potential for malfunction that otherwise may not have occurred. I don't monkey around with extended base plates. If I need a bigger gun I will carry a bigger gun. I don't try to make a small gun bigger.
Not a fan of extended mags
A small increase like a +2 is ok if it's compact but I still prefer flush fit.

The really long extended mags like the glock 33's
I think there is a time and place for them but in general would rather have the smaller flush fitting mags.

The pro's and con's are apparent really.

Pros to a large mag.. larger capacity = less reloading
Cons larger which can make concealment more difficult, more likely to snag on things, costs more.
That's where I keep coming back extra three rounds in currently high cap magazine isn't going to be helpful unless you're just spraying at the bad guys. The small change in the grip may create a problem. If the fifteen or so rounds isn't expected to be enough, a second magazine is called for.

With a .45, I can't even see a point in discussions. One extra round in exchange for the added bulk?

It's all up to personal choice. If it works, it works. I don't even carry an extra magazine most of the time, if I haven't saved my own life with fifteen, I'm over my head and another magazine will almost certainly not be what saves me.

It is a very different world now, it's not a world where you can carry a snub revolver and a couple refills loose in a pouch. Crawling through the dank places in st Louis needs more than just a single high capacity. In your own bedroom? I don't know, but wouldn't it be kind of stupid to not keep an extra magazine?
"...For a home defense pistol..." There's no advantage one way or the other. Mind you, if you're getting into extended gun fights in your living room you need a rifle or shotgun, not a larger pistol mag.
Have an oh so evil 20 rounder for my BHP. No idea who made it, but I don't know it works with all 20. Sticks out about an inch.
"...NATO Subgun..." There's no such thing as SMG ammo. The same 9mm NATO spec'd ammo is used in both pistols and SMG's.
Model12win wrote:
For a home defense pistol, why not?

Pro: More ammunition

Con: More weight, can make pistol more cumbersome to handle, potential loss in reliability from after-market magazines or kits.