Proposed 2nd Amendment Changes

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New member
Gentlemen the link below will take you to a page that is proposing a constitutional amendment that would reword the 2nd amendment. I will let you read it for yourself and make your own decision, but I would like to urge you to reject the proposed changes. I find this proposition utterly unacceptable as it would strip American Citizens of the right to bear arms:eek:. I think you will find that the current results are in our favor, but when it comes to our civil rights we can never be too careful. The 2nd Amendment truly is a genius invention on the part of our framers. It is the first thing that must go if tyranny is to take hold of this country. Thus giving us an early warning system as to a politician's true intentions.

Also I am sure the members of this forum can do a much better job of adjusting the wording of the 2nd Amendment. So how bout it? How would you word the second amendment?

I leave this in your capable hands gentlemen.

It's absurd, but I don't understand who is proposing this change. What group (politician) is proposing this?
Virtually every session of Congress there is an effort to modify or outright repeal the 2nd Amendment. Other then occasionally grabbing a headline, they never go anywhere. For good reason.

I looked at the blog, and I did vote. It was running 93% against the proposed wording when I voted.

This appears to be some kind of study group, looking at if the proposed wording would be supported by the public. This is not, anywhere that I could see, any actual movement in Congress or petition to Congress to change the 2nd Amendment.

The way they worded their proposal, it would only protect a citizen's right to arms when they were actually serving in one of the listed groups. That seems kind of stupid to me, a Constitutional protection of the right of the military and police to bear arms? seems un-needed to me.
I don't see or hear any group(s) trying to take their guns away from the police, security, or military forces!
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